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  1. adbuett

    HI98103 Checker® pH Tester Additional to buy

    Not sure what all else it asked you about but you will need storage solution, and since it has a 2-point calibration you will need pH 4.1 and pH 7.1 buffer calibration solutions (looks like single-serve packets sold at the bottom of the page). Not sure if any of that stuff comes with the meter...
  2. adbuett

    Help me blow $100 on Amazon

    Madscientist: HAHAHA, wouldn't be a surprise, though as my wife is the one with the Prime account! I did forget to mention that I liberated a lab-grade stir/hot plate from the dead pile at work (lab). Just ended up having to rewire some connections that had gotten brittle and fouled up. I also...
  3. adbuett

    Help me blow $100 on Amazon

    Well, I have $65 in gift cards but would be willing to bump an extra $35 for something cool. I'll give a quick rundown of junk I already have, and then hope somebody comes up with something I just can't live without! Two 44qt Bayou Classic SS kettles (complete sets of camlock'd fittings)...
  4. adbuett

    Suitable Material For Brewery "Backsplash"

    Heres a link to a similar product at lowes
  5. adbuett

    Suitable Material For Brewery "Backsplash"

    Not sure if you're going for a certain look. My lab has 4x8 plastic sheet stock on the walls above the sinks and lab benches. Will never deteriorate at least.
  6. adbuett

    Brewing Safety

    When washing bottles or handling carboys I always wear a pair of cut resistant gloves. My favorites are the Ansel Hyflex because they have grip on the palms. They aren't exactly cheap, but they are MUCH cheaper than my insurance deductible... I think the home improvement stores might carry cut...
  7. adbuett

    10gal Home Depot cooler MT: big hole fix

    Also make sure the nipple isn't too long or else you'll needing a buttload of spacers to achieve a decent seal. Good luck on the conversion!
  8. adbuett

    10gal Home Depot cooler MT: big hole fix

    Whoops, sorry about not catching this reply sooner, I guess my thread-subscription got turned off somehow. Yes, the 1/2" works magnificently! I just ran through an ESB yesterday with a new false bottom. I've pushed through 8 beers through the 1/2" setup and have had absolutely zero problems...
  9. adbuett

    10gal Home Depot cooler MT: big hole fix

    I suggest taking the nipple to the big box store and perusing the plumbing isle until you find something the nipple fits relatively well inside. One of my previous posts mentions ysint thin walled pvc used for water heater drains. Pex might even work as well. Does anybody know if any hb...
  10. adbuett

    Cellar Pictures

    There's only one non-homebrew beer. The stuff I buy tends to only make it as far as the fridge... Also storing all the empties awaiting beer.
  11. adbuett

    Show off your fermentation chambers

    Added an extension cowl to a dorm room mini fridge. Controlled with an STC1000. The cowl is held on to the fridge by ratchet straps around the back, connected to I-bolts. Foam weatherstripping between the cowl and fridge front and steel sheet metal on the front for the door seal to register...
  12. adbuett

    10 Most Badass Craft Brewery Logos

    There's some good one's up there; I dig the Our Brewing logo and on a similar note, definitely repping one of my favorite local breweries, Civil Live in St. Louis has my all time favorite set of logos: . The beer is absolutely off the charts as well!
  13. adbuett

    Down a fermenter; but feeling lucky

    I currently work at a large environmental lab and we always wear cut resistant gloves under our latex gloves when handling glassware, and especially when cleaning it. If you are using glass vessels I strongly suggest adding a pair of cut resistant gloves to your cleaning arsenal. Hell, they even...
  14. adbuett

    Show us your DIY wort chillers

    Just finished up my 20' counterflow chiller using the standard design found multiple places on the forum. I did, however, make a slight alteration to eliminate any possible contamination issues at the wort output. I actually built the whole thing and then remade the T fittings because I don't...
  15. adbuett

    10gal Home Depot cooler MT: big hole fix

    That's exactly it. I actually just came across some thin walled pvc that would work too. It's a length of pipe with a metal male thread on one end that is hooked up to a water heater's pressure relieve valve to direct water closer to the floor. They're about $6 at HD and a little bit of PTFE...
  16. adbuett

    10gal Home Depot cooler MT: big hole fix

    " If the nipple isn't laterally stable, leaks will likely happen." Bingo! I may have been being a little too nit-picky, but I ended up disassembling and wrapping the middle of the nipple in about 15 turns of PTFE tape in order to get an even snugger fit in my bushing. That thing doesn't...
  17. adbuett

    10gal Home Depot cooler MT: big hole fix

    I've been lurking around for a while researching my in-progress all grain setup. I purchased the 10 gallon water cooler from Home Depot along with the various required fittings for a mash tun. Upon removing the spigot from the cooler, to my dismay I found they had changed the design and the hole...
  18. adbuett

    Cheap & Easy 10 Gallon Rubbermaid MLT Conversion

    Oranges, I have just found this out as well. I was able to get a good seal after putting a lot of torque on the bulkhead fittings, but the assembly just ended up too flimsy for me. The wiggling I was able to accomplish leads me to think I'm going to end up with leaks down the road. This issue...