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  1. M

    For Sale NJ-Selling all brewing equipment

    My apologies. I didn't see the forum rules. Over $2000 in equipment. Heavily discounted! Selling as a whole. Not parting out. Cash only. Prices shown are if purchased new. $450 for everything. Plate chiller-100 Grain mill-140 Three 5 gal better bottles-25 ea(75) Two glass carboys -25/ea(50)...
  2. M

    For Sale NJ-Selling all brewing equipment

    Haven't brewed in awhile and it's time to let go. Everything to brew all grain or extract. Kettle, kegs, carboys, fridge., bottles, etc. $450 for everything. Check my ad and reply there as I don't login here much.
  3. M

    Scientist tweak yeast to grow morphine

    Uhh we have researchers urging regulation of brewers yeast?? Rearchers have figured out how to get yeast to produce morphine, codeine and other similar drugs and have immediately urged regulators to control these drug-brewing yeasts before people start trying to make them at home...
  4. M

    question on lager starter

    no stir plate yet. I decided to go with a 2L starter and step it up.
  5. M

    question on lager starter

    I'm brewing a Vienna lager on Sat. with WLP838. LHBS was only able to get 1 vial of yeast so mrmalty says I need a 4.76L starter which translates to 16.9oz DME to 158oz water for a 1.040 starter.(about 1.32 g of wort) Should I go ahead and start this tonight in a 5gallon better bottle? IF I...
  6. M

    BIG mistake crash cooling???

    it looks like I can see a distinguished layer on top. If I rack and leave behind 1/2g to 1 gallon, I guess it would be lesson learned. I left the blowoff on since the start of fermentation. I'm curious how do you prevent this or airlock fluid and then oxygen from going into fermentor? did I...
  7. M

    BIG mistake crash cooling???

    I crash cooled and ESB last night down to 40deg with the blowoff tube in about a quart of starsan and water. Just looked and the cooling sucked the starsan into the fermentor.:( Am I SOL or can I draw out of this betterbottle into a keg and hope for the best?? Can't believe I did this.
  8. M

    How to keep my bazooka tube from getting clogged?

    i'm looking for a solution myself. Considering a I've also seen BobbyfromNJ's youtube vid on building a hopstopper which looks pretty good.
  9. M

    Crush advice

    yea, you could go finer with your crush. Try to get just a little flour and you'll see your efficiancy jump. I'm running a .38 gap on my barley crusher and get 75 to 77% eff. and I know I could tighten the gap even more
  10. M

    1st REAL attempt at water adjustment

    Update. Fermentation is active. This one took the usual 12hr lag time as in the past. I was just worried about my water additions. As far as chalk goes, I based it on a London water profile using Bru'n Water spreadsheet. I was just trying to hit a value because that's what it indicated...
  11. M

    1st REAL attempt at water adjustment

    I did 1hr on air stone and just for good measure shook for a min. I'm just wondering if the diff. btwn the starter wort and the ESB wort w/water additions shocks the yeast. My final water profile is pretty close to London profile.
  12. M

    do you have to clean a mill before first use?

    If you have an air compressor, I would blow off the rollers. There's usually some fine shaving from the knurling process. I did that along with a paint brush and then ran 1lb of grain thru it.
  13. M

    1st REAL attempt at water adjustment

    So I have an AG ESB based on Jamils recipe in the fermentor right now at 65 deg, 6hrs post pitch. I'm using WLP002 with starter (@18hrs). I was totally expecting activity at this point, but there's none. I realize I'm jumping the gun, but I made an Oatmeal stout with same yeast and had some...
  14. M

    hops & radiation

    Has there been any discussion or thoughts on soil contamination in the cascade region and last years hops crop? Is it a concern?
  15. M

    Pliny the Elder swap for East Coast brews

    Still looking for a swap. this hophead needs to try the holy grail of IPA's.
  16. M

    Pliny the Elder swap for East Coast brews

    Yea, unfortunatly, I'm 15min from the beach so all the Philly locations are too far to sample and drive home, cause you can't just have one.:D
  17. M

    Pliny the Elder swap for East Coast brews

    I've been wanting to try Pliny the Elder for a long time but haven't had the opportunity. Is there any West Coasters that might want to swap a couple bottles of Pliny the Elder for something available here on the East Coast, like Troegs, Souther Tier, Weyerbacher, etc, whatever might suit your...
  18. M

    Kegging emergency!!

    that's a good question, but this is a 10# bottle that's only on its 4th keg plus purging. Now I did have a small leak last year but when I burp the kegs it's still filling with no problem. If I were to roll the kegs for 1/2 hr each at 30# and then let them sit on pressure for another 2hrs...
  19. M

    Kegging emergency!!

    Ok, I've had two kegs on gas at 15# for 6 days with one night at 30#'s. One is a blonde ale and the other is a red ale. Both are being served at 3pm tomorrow. Currently I have very little in solution carbonation. Foamy head from the pour but only slight carbonation in the glass. No...
  20. M

    Higher Lovibond # to SRM equivalent

    Thanks. I missed the EBC # when I looked before. I wound up cutting my R. Barley amount in half. It ended up at 18.4 SRM for the whole batch. So its slightly darker. Just above the 18 SRM for the style. Prost!