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  1. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    I didnt bail, just taking a deep breath. I did in fact get the "gripefruit joke", was just hoping for real feedback is all. And as for "how to achieve real hop flavor" I can do that very well using late boil hops. My typical IPA uses around 12oz of hops, I just use more of them towards the...
  2. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    I didnt bail, just taking a deep breath. I did in fact get the "gripefruit joke", was just hoping for real feedback is all. And as for "how to achieve real hop flavor" I can do that very well using late boil hops. My typical IPA uses around 12oz of hops, I just use more of them towards the...
  3. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    I didnt bail, just taking a deep breath. I did in fact get the "gripefruit joke", was just hoping for real feedback is all. And as for "how to achieve real hop flavor" I can do that very well using late boil hops. My typical IPA uses around 12oz of hops, I just use more of them towards the...
  4. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    glad to see that instead of explaining the reasoning behind a phenomenon, you guys choose to represent the community by being grammar/spelling trolls. I am truly curious why everyone feels the need for this type of brewing lately, and then THIS happens. you guys can have fun with your fruit...
  5. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    i dont really care care it goes, it can dissapear for all i care... but it is in fact related to recipe formulation
  6. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    there was a thread right below mine yesterday for a pale ale where multiple people suggested hopbursting
  7. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    No, it does not make an IPA, it makes a salad. And how does it stand out if EVERYONE is doing it? IPA's are actually pungent, horrendously bitter, gross old beers. And I still like them. People do not make "IPA's" anymore, IPA's were never fresh, and never full of fruit. They sat on a ship for a...
  8. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    and like i said, everyone has their own tastes. But I am more talking about the people who tell others that it is the only way to make beer. An American Brown does not need a 6oz hopstand.
  9. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    not sure why it multiple posted, sorry about that... but still, screw the grammar nazi
  10. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    have you ever done a chinook/triskel IPA.... youll never have another "fruit juice" IPA again. I garauntee it.
  11. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    I see why some people would utilize the technique in certain circumstances... but not EVERY reply to EVERY recipe should be for for fruit juice. and the guy who corrected the spelling, the grammar nazi, take a giant one right in the tonsils
  12. P

    obssesion with hopstands...

    let me start by saying, to each their own. If u like it, then more power to ya. but every reply that ive seen in the "recipe feedback" type of post, is people telling someone to drop half a pound into a hopstand.... I have been brewing long enough to see fads come and go, fwh is on its way out...
  13. P

    Pour on

    For that amount of time, your fine. I have waited longer than that and still had fine fermentation.
  14. P

    Bad idea for Spent grain

    yup, been there... luckily for me it was the garage floor not kitchen. leave the cooler open while you boil, after an hour split it between 2 bags and your good to go
  15. P

    Hull Melon Pale Ale Help

    might have to steal this one, lol.
  16. P

    Hull Melon Pale Ale Help

    oh and a side note, u never mentioned if u had used those hops before... if not then be ready for a fruit salad.
  17. P

    Hull Melon Pale Ale Help

    I bought a pound of those hull melon hops from the local brewery, and I LOVE them. but they can not stand on their own. its just my opinion, but they are unique enough that to use them for bittering is just wasteful. I would use half oz of magnum, warrior, etc... at 60 and move the other three...
  18. P

    your favorite SMaSH recipe, please!

    munich and Azacca 12lbs munich 10l 2oz at 60 2oz at 20 2oz at 10 2oz at 5 ive made this a couple times now and it is insane! like someone takes a bag of bread-covered fruit and wallops you upside the face with it