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  1. G

    FREE TEST for INKBIRD 8-IN-1 WiFi Temperature Humidity Sensor

    This could be very useful in a coming project
  2. G

    Inkbird 15%-30% Coupon for Temp Controller& BBQ Thermometer

    I could use the code for this one. Feel free to add extra percentage. Waterproof RF 1500 feet thermometer IRF-4S with 4 probes 20% off code: S7L944TT
  3. G

    ***NEW PRODUCT*** The Yeast Brink from Nor Cal Brewing Solutions

    Well lookee there. I was pretty close for pulling rough math out of the air. I head. Thanks Grant for the long hand version.
  4. G

    Win a Ss Brewtech Keg WaSsher!

    I’m in. Thanks SsBrewtech!!
  5. G

    ***NEW PRODUCT*** The Yeast Brink from Nor Cal Brewing Solutions

    When pressure canning you are indeed increasing the temperature at which water boils. Which is why if the lid ever popped off there would be a massive volcano of its contents flash boiling and erupting violently. This extra pressure doesn’t act adversely on the jars. The liquid in the jars is...
  6. G

    Any TIG welders that can help me?

    Ill be waiting to see how you make out. I’ll answer anything I can question wise.
  7. G

    AMCYL Kettle GIVEAWAY + Homebrew Supply's Black Friday | Cyber Monday Weekend Deals

    I’m with John !!! I’m thankful for my family. I’m also thankful for the fact that I get to see the sun rise each day!!! Prost brother. :mug:
  8. G

    Any TIG welders that can help me?

    Any practicing of welding going on?
  9. G

    ***NEW PRODUCT*** The Yeast Brink from Nor Cal Brewing Solutions

    They are different situations for sure. At aprox 38” height, that’s about 1.3 PSI. So keeping it simple, at 1.4 PSI you’d be slowly pushing fluid back into the fermentor. Again, it’s not about the amount of liquid. It’s the height of the column. 3 or 5 BBL fermentors come in all different...
  10. G

    ***NEW PRODUCT*** The Yeast Brink from Nor Cal Brewing Solutions

    I ask cause it doesn’t matter if it’s 15 gallons or 300 gallons that your pushing up through. What matters is the column height. That’s what dictates the pressure. If it’s 12” worth of column height then there’s roughly .5 psi that needs to be overcome. A touch less can be 1oz that’s...
  11. G

    ***NEW PRODUCT*** The Yeast Brink from Nor Cal Brewing Solutions

    How tall is that fermentor? Table top to liquid level in the vid. Also, what is the blow off or the bubbler that you recommend for this?
  12. G

    Win a Spike Brewing CF5 Conical Unitank!

    I’m in. Thanks Spike!
  13. G

    Any TIG welders that can help me?

    I was thinking today. For those who don’t know, due to exposure or whatever the reason. After all, no one is born an expert. That diffusers are made out of all different things, and for various reasons. A gas diffuser can be made from a worn out 2 series TIG torch collet body. Like this. Just...
  14. G

    Keep One, Drop One - Word Game

    Mental insanity
  15. G

    Any TIG welders that can help me?

    It won’t. That fixture or the blocks is simply a way to weld plate coupons together and help with warping. Also hold them in place. That’s why I showed plate coupons in both the block pics and the fancy fixture pics. The diffuser on the other hand. That will help weld ports on kettles or other...
  16. G

    Any TIG welders that can help me?

    How do you mean? Are you referring to the purge or the fixture? Or welding out of position?
  17. G

    Any TIG welders that can help me?

    Haha. Yet, you can see how the simple blocks get really close to the same thing and, functionally. The blocks will get you the same place. Plus a little tape, and a diffuser. Of which.........I use an air muffler for a gas diffuser on my flood purges. 1/8” pipe diffuser (I think) welded to...
  18. G

    Any TIG welders that can help me?

    Finally, the fancy fixture.
  19. G

    Any TIG welders that can help me?

    This old Tony. That guy is funny. Probably a good thing his kids figured it out before slide 38. Haha
  20. G

    Any TIG welders that can help me?

    I deleted it cause when I reread it before posting. It seemed to me like I was being critical of Jody. Which isn’t my intention at all. It was kinda late and I was tired. I didn’t feel like retyping it.