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  1. T

    The Meadmaker's Corner: Categorizing Your Mead

    As a first time Meadmaker. I think this helped me a lot. It's not over worded and very well understood. I know lot more information is out there. As the author states ... It's for the first timers like me. Thanks Very Helpful
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    How To Use The FastFerment For Wine

    If you are using a wine kit or using a concentrate, Isn't it possible to close the valve on the fastfermenter, take the ball off and take a SG from the wine in the ball? Then empty the wine from the conical into a carboy, degas it if needed and let it finish there? While its setting in your...
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    What's your occupation: Engineer or Non-Engineer

    Bachelor's degre in EE from U of Delaware, 1980. But my current occupation is not engineering.
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    March Pump 315 HF Impeller

    Anyone have any experience with these? The new impeller increases the head pressure. Not sure if that's a plus or a minus e.g. more likely to stick the mash?
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    Nottingham Starter Question

    +1 and using starters with dry yeast decreases their viability
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    False bottom for Sanke keg?

    Yeah, I saw the supports. I think it would do fine just being placed into the keg without the supports. Either way you can put a diptube down through the false bottom as low as you want. I am surprised that Homebrewstuff wouldn't have a 15" one.
  7. T

    False bottom for Sanke keg?

    I think the first question would be are you interested in heating the mashtun for step mashes? If so, you will need a full-width (15") false bottom. I use a SABCO false bottom and recirculate the wort with a pump while heating the bottom with a burner. If not, anything will be fine. Even a...
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    High Gravity recipe question???

    Just use the weizen yeast cake you have. Weizens are very sensitive to the pitching rate. Too much yeast will decrease the yeast flavors. Check out the yeast calculator at for the amount of your yeast cake to pitch. Brew on
  9. T

    Nottingham Starter Question

    Dry yeast are specially prepared for storage and fermentation. Starters can actually decrease their viability. Rehydrating the dry yeast before pitching will maximize their viability. Check out the new book Yeast by White and Zainisheff for more info.
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    What is the best way to remove O2 from keg?

    Not much at all. Of course it depends on how low the diptube goes. I remember a brew club posted an experiment they did with a little iodohor in beer and it didn't change the flavor at all.
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    Testing fermentability of crystal malt

    Thanks for doing this and sharing your results Nilo. I have been thinking of doing this same experiment. I was taught that crystal malts were completely unfermentable. But others have thought otherwise. Any idea what would happen if you mashed the crystal malt with a base malt with active...
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    Wort Chiller Sanitation

    All-metal counterflow chillers can be sterilized in the oven. See John Palmer's How To Brew at . I love my plate chiller.
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    21lb mash in a 10 gallon MLT?

    Here is a great calculator for no-sparge batches.
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    What is the best way to remove O2 from keg?

    I fill the keg with sanitizing solution (StarSan) and then push it into another keg with CO2. This leaves the corny keg cleaned, sanitized and full of CO2. The idea that CO2 will "push" any other gas is a fallacy. That's just not how gas works.
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    Competition results useless?

    Y'all can help improve beer evaluations by training yourself to help out with the homebrew competitions. In the meantime do you have a better way to get anonymous constructive critiques?
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    What were hops doing in there?
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    Cream ale recipe question?

    I wouldn't add either. Is this supposed to be a sweet vanilla ale? A Cream Ale should be neither.
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    thumbs up for the duda diesel plate chiller

    Can you put it in the oven for a "self-clean cycle" to ash out the debris? Don't know how hot the copper can get, but if it's useless now it might be worth a try.
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    Sulfites in beer?

    Thanks AJ. How much K metabisulfite would I add per gallon (or Liter) of mash water to achieve 20 mg/L (as SO2)? Does it depend on mash pH? Thanks, Tom
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    Immersion Chiller or a Chillzilla?

    You can buy 2 Shirrons for the pr$ce of one Therminator. I have a Therminator and another plate chiller. In the Winter, one plate chiller is enough. In the Summer I need to double up and recirculate ice water in a 2nd chiller.