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  1. CthulhuBrew33

    Questions about using Roeselare Blend yeast from Wyeast

    Lambic Hops as in older dried hops? what are the minmal hop levels for this blend?
  2. CthulhuBrew33

    Best temp for Imperial A38 JUICE for Hazy IPA?

    i pitched at 65f and let it rock and it went nuts at around 70f
  3. CthulhuBrew33

    Questions about using Roeselare Blend yeast from Wyeast

    so i know that this is mostly supposed to be used in secondary fermentation and also ive heard it doesnt like Hoppy stuff either, would it be wise to do a different brew with very minimal hop addition as a base and get that rocking and then Dry Hop it after ferm slows down? or is it just easier...
  4. CthulhuBrew33

    Question about c02 in empty kegs

    yes this is exactly what i mean! there are several local breweries here in Eugene, Oregon that will fill user owned corny kegs for you!
  5. CthulhuBrew33

    Making a starter from 1year's worth of bottle dregs!

    Thanks everyone! got a can of starter wort to try it out with. Definitely going to try it out and try dumping it into a saison for secondary. also need to get a better distinction between primary and secondary fermentation chambers but working on it slowly but surely! appreciate all the input...
  6. CthulhuBrew33

    Question about c02 in empty kegs

    thanks yeah i figure it sould still be fin as all thats in it is whatever starsan didnt drip out from before pressurizing
  7. CthulhuBrew33

    Making a starter from 1year's worth of bottle dregs!

    its in a non marked jar currently but holding it next to a standard mason jar id have to guess about 50-60ml of SOLID slurry. jar has been very undisturbed lately and has settled down very nicely.
  8. CthulhuBrew33

    Question about c02 in empty kegs

    I cleaned, sanitized, and pressurized a Corny keg yesterday to take over to a local brewery and have them fill it up, i didnt end up getting around to it yesterday and probably wont until at least next week. my question is, will it be okay to just sit fully pressurized and all for all that...
  9. CthulhuBrew33

    Making a starter from 1year's worth of bottle dregs!

    i totally get that but so far its always had a good amount of bottom of the bottle beer and kept in the back of my fridge this entire time with an airtight lid and shows no sign of infection thusfar. i guess ill just have to play around and get some starter wort going and see what happens...
  10. CthulhuBrew33

    Cold Crashing & Hornindal Kviek in a Hazy...

    its 1 oz total of Mosaic and Nelson Cryo Pellets in a 5(4.5ish) gallon batch
  11. CthulhuBrew33

    Keep One, Drop One - Word Game

    Peace Tea
  12. CthulhuBrew33

    Cold Crashing & Hornindal Kviek in a Hazy...

    To do, to avoid, or to do a very specific way? im not sure it just kinda feels odd to have to cold crash a brew after not having to so far with my hazys and saisons, BUT this is my first time playing with Kviek yeast so not sure what i should do here any advice on what you do and at what scale...
  13. CthulhuBrew33

    What I did for beer today

    assembled my brew tree today finally and also made preparations to keg my first batch using Kviek yeast!
  14. CthulhuBrew33

    Making a starter from 1year's worth of bottle dregs!

    Hey all! Newer brewer here going to get in to making some funky cool things as soon as i possibly can and would like some advice on the best procedure i should use for creating the starter! its the collected dregs of every 4.5(on untappd) or higher average rating Sour, Saison, Lambic, Wild ale...
  15. CthulhuBrew33

    What I did for beer today

    i got some bottles into sanitizer as well as a siphon so i can go take a gravity reading in a little bit! its finally feeling like a brew is coming together for me and its wonderful! ~Cthulhu
  16. CthulhuBrew33

    Newbie here!

    wait so rye can or cant be steeped? i dont think i will have to, i think ill get as much rye as i need from the LME
  17. CthulhuBrew33

    Newbie here! anyone ever use this? its what NB recommends for the second kit im going to order with the Lemondrop Saison and i can get it at my local HBS yeah i just would prefer to not use Candi Syrup in the brew and im already trying to add in...
  18. CthulhuBrew33

    Newbie here!

    looking at this and this feels almost exactly how i imagine my first one will go. may try using the ratios of this one and just sub LME Rye for the Extra Light, and use DME Light or Extra light instead of the amber. and the honey instead of the candi syrup perhaps? maybe substitute Mandarina...
  19. CthulhuBrew33

    Newbie here!

    i was thinking about trying to get rye LME for the rye content actually. just made the most sense to me right away. what if i get LME for both the rye and pilsen light? or would doing LME rye and DME light pilsen be fine?
  20. CthulhuBrew33

    Newbie here! everything i buy will be from a local homebrew store when i can. will get this one kit to try out first though from online but no yest so thats fine, just that price seems pretty unbeatable. as for yeasts i thank you for your...