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  1. The Belly of the Yeast

    Used to brew and make wine. Once upon a time.

    Welcome! Sorry for your loss. I'm very new to winemaking, so I'll refrain from offering advice. There are so many variables that will change the outcome. But in my opinion, the most important part is to enjoy the process!
  2. The Belly of the Yeast

    Going use my orchard to make hard cider

    Well that's exciting! Your hard work is paying off, and later you'll get to enjoy it even more:bigmug:
  3. The Belly of the Yeast

    No-water, No-Sugar Pineapple Wine?

    That's awesome fluketamer, thanks! Everything I need to know to get started. White wines are my favorite, so even if it turns out like a white grape wine, I'd be happy. The last time I drank a bad white wine, my wife added pineapple juice to it, which made it enjoyable in my opinion (you can...
  4. The Belly of the Yeast

    No-water, No-Sugar Pineapple Wine?

    Thanks for the insights and the link! Looks like some nice gems in there. I'm using only store-bought juices, so that's perfect.
  5. The Belly of the Yeast

    No-water, No-Sugar Pineapple Wine?

    Thanks for the research! The only brewing experience I have is with store-bought cider, so that works.
  6. The Belly of the Yeast

    No-water, No-Sugar Pineapple Wine?

    Thanks Rish! I'm feeling up to a little experiment. Just didn't know if there was something obvious I'm missing. Maybe I'll try both ways and compare.
  7. The Belly of the Yeast

    No-water, No-Sugar Pineapple Wine?

    Every pineapple wine recipe I've seen calls for a considerable amount of water and sugar. I've scoured the forums wondering why not use just straight juice? Too acidic or something? The closest answer I've heard is that fruit with too high of sugar levels can cause sluggish or stuck...
  8. The Belly of the Yeast

    Greetings from Oregon

    Just started my second 1 gal batch of cider and having lots of fun doing it. I want to try pineapple wine next.