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  1. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    Well, I think I goofed up. The hydrometer reading seemed to stabilize and I bottled everything. But, now the mead is bubbling in the bottles, and, well, long story short, I've got corks bouncing off the ceiling. I guess I better put it all back in the carboy.
  2. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    Got three brews on the go at once: this mead, a red wine, and a crabapple cider. They're at 1.020, 1.010 and 1.002 respectively.
  3. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    The specific gravity is at the 20 mark, so 1.020 I guess? Is going from 1.040 to 1.020 an improvement? The brew is still bubbling steadily.
  4. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    I gotta say, I'm used to VBulletin forums and I don't much care for the "quote" function on this forum. It never seems to show the person's quote when I hit the "Quote" button.
  5. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    That sounds pretty darn good for a test brew. I intend to be much better prepared for the next batch!
  6. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    Well, with four litres of honey, and apparently a litre of honey weighs about 3.16 pounds, so I guess that's 12.64 pounds of honey, with the rest of the bucket filled to the five gallon mark.
  7. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    Here's a few pics, including another side I just spotted, which has a "5%" near the "10".
  8. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    Erm, so I dropped the hydrometer in and it floated at the "10" mark. Well it says "10" on the one side, there's a "40" pretty close on the other side.
  9. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    Yeah, this is a test brew. I'll aim for my precision alcohol level in a later brew, when I'm a bit more sure of what I'm doing.
  10. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    Now, I moved the brew from bucket to carboy, with zero airspace between the brew and the bung; there's still a constant flow of bubbles streaming up - kind of beautiful to watch. Is there a point at which it will stop bubbling; would that be indicative of yeast exhaustion? Would the brew be...
  11. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    The heck of it is, I don't even remember which it was. But I'm guessing I put in the four litres of honey, and then filled the bucket with water to the 5 gallon line. So, 1.083 is more likely to be accurate. Thank you!
  12. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    Four litres of raw honey in about five gallons of water (sorry about mixing metric and standard measures, everything is marked differently around here). I sprinkled in some grapefruit zest a few days after starting the brew.
  13. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    So, for my first batch, I'm not going to try fine-tuning the alcohol level; I'm just going to try to produce something drinkable. I believe I first started this batch a couple of days after making my first post. I did not get hold of a hydrometer until just recently. I've already transferred...
  14. Ymir

    Greetings from Manitoba

    Well if I recall, Winkler is a "dry" town where you won't find so much as a shotglass in a thrift store! But if you make it to the big city (Winnipeg), there's the Brazen Hall brewery, and I'm fond of their craft beers.
  15. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    Thanks guys. I'm hunting for a basic recipe to use now. The bucket seems to hold 30 liters max, so I'll aim for five gallons. Now I'm not up on all the abbreviations common to brewing, so I'll be researching those right away. Like I'm pretty sure ppg isn't parts per gazillion, heh heh.
  16. Ymir

    Brewing mead: Controlling alcohol percentage? Grapefruit flavouring?

    I'm getting ready to brew a batch of mead. This will be my second attempt; I botched the first one by taking advice from too many people. Though essentially the big mistake there was that someone told me I'd used enough honey to make three batches, and I ended up diluting it so that what would...
  17. Ymir

    Greetings from Manitoba

    Howdy everyone. I was recommended this site after I asked a couple questions preparatory to brewing mead. If my mead brewing is successful, beer is next on the agenda.