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Homebrew Talk

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  1. jrstacey

    Fall Corny Keg Giveaway

    Been sticking to 5 gallon batches this year.
  2. jrstacey

    What beer/homebrew blogs/magazines do you read?,,, a bunch of stuff that pops up in my Googel discover timeline and searches, occasionally BYO and Zymurgy
  3. jrstacey

    Win a Spike Brewing CF5 Conical Unitank!

    Sign me up! Would love to win one of these!
  4. jrstacey

    HomebrewSupply Recipe Giveaway

    Russian Imperial Stout - All-Grain Recipe Kit
  5. jrstacey

    HomeBrewTalk 2014 Big Giveaway

    Sign me up!
  6. jrstacey

    Has brewing affected your opinion of commercial beers?

    This is the main reason that I started home brewing. A 24 of decent beer (8.5L) is anywhere from $45 - $60 here. I can make 50L of (almost) that exact same beer for ~$35.
  7. jrstacey

    Alexander Keiths

    I am in Minneapolis on business and I wanted to buy some Surly but the Liquor store was sold out. What did I buy? A 4 pack of Barking Squirrel a Canadian beer.
  8. jrstacey

    saving money with brewing

    Taxes on beer just went up $1.95/12 so a 24 in Manitoba is now almost $47 Doing all grain I can brew 50 L of pale ale for about $60 including the propane for the boil.
  9. jrstacey

    Latest Budweiser Gimmick - Pay more for Less

    Being Canadian all liquor sold up here or at a duty free (for import into Canada) has to have metric markings. 40oz bottles were always 1.14L (38.5 oz), most of what I see these days is 1L bottles (34oz) at the duty free.
  10. jrstacey

    SCI-FI geeks out there?

    7 pages and no mention of Continuum. It has to be one of the best Canadian Sci Fi shows ever made.
  11. jrstacey

    Who here doesnt hate BMC?

    Up here in Canada we feed our kids American Light beer when we have water scares.
  12. jrstacey

    Computer networking

    In the real world the telco will provide all the equipment required for MPLS and provide you with a cat 5 cable to plug into your router. As for routers/firewalls what are you planning on using? Most will do VPN tunnelling and DHCP so that should cover your "satellite" office with secure...