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  1. C

    Spike Brewing 12.5gal Conical Fermenter Giveaway!

    Ooooo I'd love to have that conical.
  2. C

    eBIAB PID help

    The main issue is that all the components match your load & service voltage. 2000W/220V=9Amps I'd suggest a minimum of 20A SSR. Bigger is better in this case. Likewise on the PID, it just needs to be rated for 220V and have a SSR output. Some PID's only have a relay closure. The thermocouple...
  3. C

    My BIAB, RIMS, E-Brewery-In-A-Can

    Very nice job! I haven't had time to improve mine yet, I have the Arduino (Braduino) control setting on the bench. I need to learn a little more about programming to customize the code. I really like how your integrated it all into the base, If I can ever get out from under my work load, I think...
  4. C

    Florida Free bottles, North Florida

    Last call. If they aren't gone by this weekend, they are off to recycling. Sent from my iPad using Home Brew
  5. C

    Got free bottles to give away? Post 'em here!

    I've got four copy paper boxes of primarily Sam Adams over 100, there are a few Sierra Nevada in the mix. I am near Gainesville FL. If they aren't gone by this weekend, they are off to recycling. Sent from my iPad using Home Brew
  6. C

    Florida Free bottles, North Florida

    If I could come up with a way to safely package all of them I'd be willing to ship them, but I don't quite know how I'd do that.
  7. C

    Florida Free bottles, North Florida

    I've got at least 100 more than I can use, four copy paper boxes worth. They are primarily Sam Adams but there are a few Sierra Nevada bottles. I'll even toss in a wood crate from the HBT DIY thread. I'm near Gainesville FL on 441.
  8. C

    Bad Kitty Brewery eBIAB

    Regarding temperature stratification, it's my opinion, after personal experience, that the PID controllers are not well suited to slow changing systems with lots of thermal mass. The PID over corrects and then it takes a while to cool off and you get these wild swings. If you operate the PID in...
  9. C

    Camlock Cotter Pins?

    Annoying, especially the rings. Never use them.
  10. C

    HomeBrewTalk 2013 Big Giveaway!

    Wow, those are some seriously nice prizes. Tip of the hat to all the vendors!
  11. C

    Heads up: DS18B20 LM34 LM35 Probe

    About a month or so ago I inquired with Auber Instruments about making a DS18B20 probe for use with Arduino and other uC's and they obliged. It uses the same style QD cable as the pt100 probes making clean up easy if you have to pack away your gear after brewing like I do...
  12. C

    BAD BEER WARNING: Henry Weinhards IPA

    Wife brought home a sixer of Private Reserve, I'd preferred they kept it private & not shared it with the public. It was rank.