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  1. B

    Best crystal malts for English Bitter

    OK since you asked, but with the obvious caveat that your mileage may vary. This is essentially my attempt to reproduce the taste of a cask Fuller's London Pride type beer, without exactly being a clone, and since I'm kegging it as well. So a balance of mouthfeel, maltiness, and bitterness...
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    Best crystal malts for English Bitter

    A Best Bitter usually 1.048 OG
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    Best crystal malts for English Bitter

    My not that local but I get there a couple times a year homebrew shop carries Simpsons Double Roasted Crystal (DRC), which I love. Maris Otter and 6% DRC is my best bitter recipe's malt bill. I love simple recipes.
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    Top Euro Classic brews coming back to stores.

    Maybe I'm just nostalgic for those days but finding classic European styles and trying them for the first time was a wonderful experience. U.S. Craft beer has definitely caused some shelf space limitations but finding those styles has become more difficult and finding them without a decent...
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    ITC-308 wifi is always heating or cooling

    Not at this price point as far as I know. RAPT makes a temperature controller that is wifi enabled but it's $119 and I haven't checked out it's features. Though I will say while a wifi connected controller is convenient I'm not convinced I need it. I've brewed hundreds of batches without it and...
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    ITC-308 wifi is always heating or cooling

    I just got one and found this thread because I had the same problems/concern. My previous temperature control experience was a Ranco and I have to say the Inkbird's behavior isn't exactly intuitive the first time. When you make any change to the settings the Inkbird will force a cycle back to...
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    Homebrew Con 2024 location?

    Looking over the numbers when you posted them the first time Bobby I had the same thought as your last post. These numbers aren't that far off from a decade ago. Hopefully the next 16 months gives the AHA time to reevaluate the current model and find a way to make this work again. I'm looking...
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    Homebrew Con 2024 location?

    This is certainly a bummer for me but I would rather this then nothing at all.
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    NHC 2023 First Round

    I package from the keg right now with a picnic tap and a piece of racking cane capping on foam, or at least trying to. I hate bottling beers and my old process was one founded off of that disdain. I now have come to realize it's an important part of the entering beer and receiving good feedback...
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    NHC 2023 First Round

    I've only stewarded or judged a small number of competitions before so the things I learned could fill up a pretty long post. Here are a few things off the top of my head that might be of interest to others. - The logistics of holding a larger competition let alone the number of sites the NHC...
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    NHC 2023 First Round

    I thought it was interesting to look at the disparity of the size of flights based on the locations. I helped steward Indianapolis and was told it had the second most entries of all the judging locations. Looking at those flight sizes versus say Tampa and New York there is certainly a...
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    Cosmic Punch (OYL-402) by Omega Yeast Labs

    Kegged a NEPA yesterday that I mashed at 155 and my attenuation was 80%. I was surprised how low it finished.