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  1. RatBait

    Pitching yeast when bottling

    Thanks for the comments. I should have explained in my original post that I am trying to avoid using Cask / Bottling yeast in this beer. The use of those yeast have the ability to dry out the beer too far. So, I wanted to re-pitch some of the original yeast (Wyeast #1762)
  2. RatBait

    Pitching yeast when bottling

    I'm getting ready to bottle my first Belgian Quad. Many sources say to add some more yeast along with the bottling sugar for a Quad. However, I can't find anything that tells me how much yeast to add. My plan is to add 5 oz of dextrose to a 5 gallon keg and some more yeast, then bottle...
  3. RatBait

    Canning Question

    Thanks jschein ! Sounds like I’ll be donating growlers. They never get returned. Or maybe I need to find new friends.
  4. RatBait

    Canning Question

    I'm currently kegging my batches and doing force carbonation. However, friends are asking to take some home and I am looking for a canner. Those of you that are canning.....Do you add priming sugar and "bottle" condition when canning? Or do you force carbonate then can once its carbonated...
  5. RatBait

    New SS Brewtech FTSs Touch: missed opportunity!

    I agree with the Wi-Fi. But it would also be awesome if it could interface with the Tilt Pi and display the current SpGr. Maybe even set it up to allow a temperature rise once it hits a targeted SpGr in order to clean up the fermentation. Then cold crash. Oh, the possibilities.
  6. RatBait

    New SS Brewtech FTSs Touch: missed opportunity!

    They offer an adapter so you do not have to buy new cords.:)