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  1. connell89

    Fall Corny Keg Giveaway

    I do 5 to 5.5 gal bathces but just did 10 gals of an Altbier.
  2. connell89

    What I did for beer today

    Bottled 12 bottles and kegged the rest. Not sure if the yeast gave me a white wine flavor or a bug, but it tastes a little like white wine and sweet. It was a new yeast so I am not sure if the yeast produces this fruity flavor. But it is not sour. I fermented at 67F.
  3. connell89

    What I did for beer today

    Going to bottle/keg my SMASH today. It wasn't very hoppy at fermentation time but we will see at bottling.
  4. connell89

    What I did for beer today

    Today I am going to try my first SMASH beer. I just hope the 2-row Pils malt is not too old and using my one Cascade hops grown the past two years.
  5. connell89

    Spring 2024 Corny Keg Giveaway

    I just brewed a ESB. Next is a Maple Porter.
  6. connell89

    What are you drinking now?

    Vanished Valley Brewing Co. Bird of Prey IPA. Very good.
  7. connell89

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    I have been receiving kits every other month for about 3 years now (since COVID started) from Homebrew Happy Hour Chub Club and have about 5 to brew. I brewed an Irish Red and Dunkelweizen for the NHC and a Cream Ale Kit because it was old. The Chub Club is doing a Kolsch comp in May so I had...
  8. connell89

    What brewery are you visiting?

    I just ate here on 19 Feb 2023. We had snow on the ground but the fire pits were going strong. Great Pizza. I tried their Doppelbock and Franconian Braubier. All good. I would like to go when it is a little warmer.
  9. connell89

    Looking for German beer style mentioned in BYO years ago

    One of the local breweries here in the Boston area brewed a Dampfbier and it was great. I never heard of the style and asked about.
  10. connell89

    Aeration Stones Still Popular?

    I still use a cooler brew system and poor my wort into the fermenter so it gets oxygenated as it falls the height of the 5 gallon carboy. If I brew a 1.060 or greater brew, I do think about oxygenating but usually save this step for really big beers. I now use a stainless mesh hop spider in...
  11. connell89

    Time to Get Real About Eating Spent Grain

    I have had the same experience with drying and making into a flour. The spent grain flour doesn't seem to act as a flour substitute and the bread doesn't rise and is very heavy.
  12. connell89

    What are you drinking now?

    I'm enjoying a VooDoo Ranger Danger Beach IPA.
  13. connell89

    What are you drinking now?

    I'm jealous. I miss Hardywood beers.
  14. connell89

    GIVEAWAY for INKBIRD Wi-Fi ITC-308 Temperature Controller!!

    The WiFi would be a great addition. I have an older version. Pick me.
  15. connell89

    What brewery are you visiting?

    Did to put this Brewery on my bucket list.
  16. connell89

    What brewery are you visiting?

    Where is this at?