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Homebrew Talk

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  1. B

    Fall Corny Keg Giveaway

    10 gallons
  2. B

    A New Corny Keg's Pick 5 Hopzoil Giveaway! Two Winners!

    I would like to try; Hopzoil - Juicy Fruitbomb Hopzoil - Ambrosia Hopzoil - Citrone Hopzoil - Citrus Fruitbomb Hopzoil - Montage Thank you for your support.
  3. B

    Canadian Roll Call!!

    Hi all, Just found this thread. I'm brewing in Golden, BC with a 20 gal BIAbasket system. Got it setup 8 months ago and working pretty well so far. Shout out to Hop Dawgs in Armstrong BC for supplying most of my brewing supplies.
  4. B

    What beer/homebrew blogs/magazines do you read?

    I find Homebrewtalk is a great place for information. Also of interest is Brulosophy, Beersmith and Craft Beer and Brewing.