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    Fall Corny Keg Giveaway

    Thanks Corny Keg, we brew 15 gallon batches
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    Lowest wort temp for hop additions for whirlpool

    Thanks for the reply. Suppose the environment is the issue as we brew outside in summer. Certainly will cover it with the lid, but will have to take immersion chiller out, then spray it down with sanitizer and complete the final cool down to 72. Seems like taking a risk even trying to be extra...
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    Lowest wort temp for hop additions for whirlpool

    Having attended BrewCon and listening to many myths being exposed, I've picked out IPA recipe that calls for whirlpooling hops at 108F for 60 min. Creator was going for aroma vs. bittering at this low temp (using Apollo and Citra), but conventional wisdom is cool the wort as fast as possible and...
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    BrewCommander - Impressive offering from John

    Really appreciate the input, as further investigation revealed the heating element is the problem. Took plug apart and the manufacture was extremely careless as one prong of the plug was not clamped to the electrode. Fixed the problem and will see how it works now. Also, the schematic is...
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    BrewCommander - Impressive offering from John

    Just hooked up BC out of box, set power to 80%, set temperature to 157 and was off to the races. At 123, the Heat indicator started going on and off and the element stopped heating. The heat fins on BC were warm, not hot. Confirmed 220V was getting to the unit, the unit is on, display on, pump...