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  1. rlonardo

    How many gallons brewed in 2020

    2751.5 + 5.5 gallons Vienna/Simcoe SMaSH 2757 gallons
  2. rlonardo

    How many gallons brewed in 2020

    1,656.5 + 6 gallons Golden Sour + 6 gallons Jackie O's Oro ***** Clone + 3 gallons Shelter In Place Ale (SIPA) = 1,671.5
  3. rlonardo

    Fellowship of the Homebrew X: Thou Shalt Enjoy the Homebrew and Hangover!

    Unfortunately I'm going to have to drop out this round - just found out today I'll be travelling for work end of January and a couple of weeks into February. I hope to get involved in a future swap though!
  4. rlonardo

    How many gallons brewed in 2019!

    10,187 + 6 gallons Brülosophy Christmas Quad + 3 gallons NEIPA + 3 gallons Milk stout = 10,199 gallons
  5. rlonardo

    Keep One, Drop One - Word Game

    Pitched Tent
  6. rlonardo

    Mash thickness and efficiency

    Look into trying out the batch sparge method. It will definitely save you time and will probably bump up your efficiency. I dump my full sparge volume in after I drain the mash, give it a stir and let it rest for 10 minutes, then drain again. I also don't think it hurts to stir the mash...
  7. rlonardo

    Saison on leftover yeast from Belgian Tripel?

    I don't see any problem with dumping your next batch on the yeast cake. You'll still get good Belgian character out of the yeast especially if you keep it relatively warm. It definitely won't be a Saison though. Maybe a Belgian Blonde or Pale Ale?
  8. rlonardo

    Voss Kveik yeast is a monster

    I just brewed my first beer with Voss, a NEIPA. For as quickly as it fermented (Brewed 5 days ago, kegging today) I was surprised at how "calm" it was. I used a blowoff as I was expecting a violent ferment but the krausen never reached the neck of my carboy despite leaving not a ton of head space.
  9. rlonardo

    Temp control: stalled fermentation?

    73% attenuation is about right for S-04. What was your mash temperature? As Sammy said, bumping up your temp ~4-5°F won't hurt.
  10. rlonardo

    Fellowship of the Homebrew X: Thou Shalt Enjoy the Homebrew and Hangover!

    Sounds fun - I'll throw my hat in the ring. I expect to have at least 3-4 brews by 2/1.
  11. rlonardo

    3D printed Tap Handle info needed

    I could help out if you're still interested. I can design a 3D model and send to schard84 if he wants to print it out.
  12. rlonardo

    Low OG, maybe by adding water?

    Was the wort still warm when you took your OG reading? Warm/hot liquids will have a lower OG compared to the 66ish F that your hydrometer is calibrated to. There are calculators out there that will correct it down for you.
  13. rlonardo

    Most embarrassing homebrewing mistakes

    So, I kegged one of my first beers this weekend. And put together my first lines etc. etc. Yesterday I had a couple pints - a blonde ale - and it was fantastic. Kegged beer is just a thing of beauty. Then I went to pull a pint tonight. About 3 ounces came out before it started spitting CO2...
  14. rlonardo

    Most embarrassing homebrewing mistakes

    Always always always always always make sure your kettle valves are closed. I've spilled water and wort on more than one occasion...most notably a nice sticky imperial stout wort all over our apartment kitchen floor and under the stove. Just this week I was pushing Starsan from keg to keg to...
  15. rlonardo

    How many gallons brewed in 2019!

    682.5 + 6 gal Citrus Blonde Ale + 3 gal Saison + 3 gal Dark Saison 694.5 gallons
  16. rlonardo

    AMCYL Kettle GIVEAWAY + Homebrew Supply's Black Friday | Cyber Monday Weekend Deals

    I'm thankful to be growing my own hops and for all the great information and recipes I've found on this website the past several years!