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  1. artyusmc

    California For sale 10 Gallon All Grain Single tier

    No Local sales only post more pics Wednesday if needed
  2. artyusmc

    California For sale 10 Gallon All Grain Single tier

    For sale 10 gallon All grain system single tier SS top, 3 burner on heavy duty casters,propane / electric controlled , 3 keggles, water filter, pump, PID temperature probs, sparge arm, false bottoms, sight tube, copper HERMS coil, CFC, and quick disconnect hoses misc items included with full...
  3. artyusmc

    Firestone Walker 805 clone?

    wow between bud and blue moon?? its a craft beer by definition I think it falls in as a blond a lot of non beer snobs liked mine and homebrewers so it is approachable to both crowds
  4. artyusmc

    Firestone Walker 805 clone?

    I think it will be spot on if anything a little honey malt goes a long way
  5. artyusmc

    Firestone Walker 805 clone?

    I loved my 805 clone one of my best beers
  6. artyusmc

    Firestone Walker 805 clone?

    Correction 5 oz of williamette Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
  7. artyusmc

    Firestone Walker 805 clone?

    16 Pounds 2 row 2 pounds torrefied wheat 2 pounds honey malt 4 oz williamette Wpl002 Came out good maybe a little less honey malt or more hops Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
  8. artyusmc

    Tehachapi Brewers Guild

    I know their are several HBT members in the Tehachapi area When we reach 20 members we will have our first meeting for sampling judging etc.... The goal is to meet quarterly or more often with people interested in making homebrew Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
  9. artyusmc

    Tehachapi Brewers Guild

    If your a brewer in Tehachapi California , I have started an informal club, please join us on Facebook Tehachapi Brewers Guild Enjoy homebrew make beer and be happy. Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
  10. artyusmc

    Firestone Walker 805 clone?

    thank you made my adjustments for ten gallons, off to the LHBS on Friday :D
  11. artyusmc

    Firestone Walker 805 clone?

    Jedi Joel please post your 805 clone BS recipe my wife is a big fan of 805 and I want to do the clone for her birthday beer thank you:mug:
  12. artyusmc

    HERMS coil exit RTD probe Question

    HERMS coil exit RTD probe Questions ? 1. If I put a RTD probe on the my HERMS exit via a SS t fitting, it would control the HTL burner? 2. How would I then control my initial strike temp? Lower the fitting below HTL exit and have it connected to the HERMS coil exit? 3. If Im doing a...
  13. artyusmc

    California Speidel 30L Fermenter

    What is the height with airlock installed?
  14. artyusmc

    Festbier BierMuncher's OktoberFAST Ale (AG)

    That's beer smith
  15. artyusmc

    Festbier BierMuncher's OktoberFAST Ale (AG)

    Its10.5 batch at 70 percent I use beer itch and will take off 1 oz at the first addition brings me to 21 IBU s . Prost
  16. artyusmc

    Festbier BierMuncher's OktoberFAST Ale (AG)

    Read all 37 pages and will be brewing tomorrow. Because my tettnang hops are 4.5 my IBU comes out to 29.8, is this too much? Can someone taste a difference of 9 IBUs? my guess would be yes in this recipe Any comments would be appreciated
  17. artyusmc

    Dusseldorf Sticke Altbier Recipe Suggestions

    nice receipe and thanks for the suggestions since its 2 IBU's over per beersmith I am not going to sweat it plus its a little higher in the ABV and barely in the color range plus I didn't use a Alt yeast; I guess I will call it a Sticke Alt.:D
  18. artyusmc

    Dusseldorf Sticke Altbier Recipe Suggestions

    nice find I trust Denny.
  19. artyusmc

    Altbier fermentation temperature schedule

    my Alts are going right now we will see ill keep you posted