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  1. Larsen

    CraftbeerPI 3 odd behavior, advice needed.

    On moth ago i build the the CBPI3 to release some old Siemens PLC's First tests on the desktop, everything looks fine. Moved to the brewery, and do manual PID tuning, and a short water brew. Great success. :-) PID-tuning and water-test. Successfully. Brew day: Yesterday 11.07 First brew...
  2. Larsen

    Sea-buckthorn berries

    I realized that i forgot to reply ... sometimes life have other plans with you.. Well everything is ok, and got a notice about traffic to the tread.. I couldn't get fresh berries, so i had a guy in "health/nature/bio" -kind a shop to put some frozen aside for me. When i should pick it up...
  3. Larsen

    Force (N) needed to cap a bottle

    I just found this text doing a google search, and thought it migth be of interess for some of you, written by "James". It is usefull for me. I just bought a pneumatic piston, with a force of 3010 N at 6 Bar, so maybe i can run it around only 2 bars. The next month will show. Here's the...
  4. Larsen

    Leaking Fermentap Counter Pressure Bottle Filler KEG801

    Hi again I brew 150 liters pr batch, and I had to adjust the fillers for every 150 - 200 bottles, which was very anoing... So i build this prototype, of stainless solenoids, schwitces, tubing and a Coca Cola plastic box. It's actually still doing a fine job...
  5. Larsen

    PID controller with 4-20Ma remote SP

    Thanks for your comments. I was very close to dump the Siemens Logo, and get me something better. Then my PLC buddy came up with some tricks. It's now tested in water as RIMS, and it hit the SP +- 0.2C and that's fine. This weekend i brew my Trappist Style 8% ABV Christmas Beer, so...
  6. Larsen

    PID controller with 4-20Ma remote SP

    Hi I need a PID controller with the abillity to adjust setpoint remotely, with a 4-20Ma current. (Industri standard) I've got a Siemens LOGO PLC and a lot of modules from a friend, but it can't PID. It's probably the smallest device that can be called a PLC. So I need the external PID...
  7. Larsen

    Duda B3-36A-30

    Duda claims that the chiller will cool 150 liters down to 23,9 C in 16 minutes using 20 c water I just converted the his which also aided me. I'm not into the math' in heat transfer, but I'm just happy with my new device.
  8. Larsen

    Duda B3-36A-30

    I've read a lot about wort chilles in theese forums, to figure wich to buy. I helped a lot. Finally i made my decision and got my B-36-30. I used i to day for the first time, with great succes. 170 liter wort at 97 C was cooled to 19,7 C in 18 minutes, using 270 liters of water. (I...
  9. Larsen

    Siemens Logo! PLC modules needed

    Stekrog sorry for my late reply, i saw your post, and forgot it again...... It,s my friend Rasmus, that is the one with the aswers. I'll get back to you.. Sten Krog, sounds Danish. If you're in the Copenhagen are, ore elsewere in DK, you are always wellcome to drop by.. /lars
  10. Larsen

    Sea-buckthorn berries

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. I'll stick to my 100 grams, at let you know by the end of march how i t tasted. I brewed a wit with fresh lemon grass, and used 3 sticks in a batch (10 min. boil). The first 2 - 3 months it's very nice, but then the lemon really starts to kick in, and after 6...
  11. Larsen

    Sea-buckthorn berries

    Hi I'm about to brew a batch of Saison, and i wan't to add a small amount of sea-buckthorn. I just don't have any idea how much. I just want a hint of the berry in the final beer. I brew 150 liters and i want to add it in the kettel the last 10 minutes of the boil. I'm planning for 100g for...
  12. Larsen

    Cheap Motorized Ball Valve CR04 / Fail Safe / Spring Return

    Hi I have a friend traveling in the US for the next 2 weeks. He promised to carry some stuff home 2 me, because it's veeeery much cheaper in USA than in Denmark. So, guys, where do i find a supplier of 1/2" motorized ball valves in a fail safe version meaning that if you apply power it...
  13. Larsen

    Trub/Hop Filter from BrewersHardware

    Hi I've used it for moe that a year now. I'm doing 55 gal batches and only a few times it have clogged. If you do a good whirl pool, and run of from the side, then it works like a dream. For the most hoopy double IPA's i use a hopblocker first, as i run of from the bottom. I'm very...
  14. Larsen

    Leaking Fermentap Counter Pressure Bottle Filler KEG801

    Hi Maybe it's just me, but i coldn't figure out, how to fix the filler that was leaking co2 when the valve was closed, with the result that beer decorated the basement ceiling... Here's what Andrew Conlon at Morebeer replied: The ball valve can come loose in shipping. It can be...
  15. Larsen

    Piezo electric differental pressure sensor

    Hi I'm in the process of automating my new 55 gal RIMS brewrig. I had the misfortune to have my brand new Blichmann false bottom, sucked ball shaped by my pump. :-( I order to avoid that, i have installed to small sight glasses on the MT, made of 850mm x 8mm ID glas pipes. One with...
  16. Larsen

    Swap house/apartment summer vacation 2014

    Hi brewers I just got the idea of visiting the Californian Coast next summer, mid july to mid august- ish... We are a family of 4, my self, my wife, 2 girls (9 and 7 years old). You can check our apartment here...
  17. Larsen

    Siemens Logo! PLC modules needed

    Thank you all for your comments and advice. The situation is that i got the plc and the programming from a friend, which is great. so I'm not stuck, but i really want to keep the costs down... Ón top of that it manage a 5 step temperature mash, in time, and within 0.3 degree Celcious, so...