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  1. GTACanuck

    American IPA Bell's Two Hearted Ale Clone (close as they come)

    Kegging up my batch tonight from the Brite tank after a 48hr carb session. Was brewed 06/24 with 2.5oz dry hop and this time I used 1 package of WLP1272 and one of WYEAST #1056. I think I prefer it with just the WLP1272, the last batch before I made a nice starter but this time I didnt have...
  2. GTACanuck

    Which inkbird controller and why

    I believe so. From that part of the menu is where you enable manual mode IIRC
  3. GTACanuck

    Which inkbird controller and why

    No issues at all throughout all temps. If I set the manual mode to 10, it wont really do anything except pulse the element as I would assume 1/10th of the time. I set to 100 percent to bring to a boil and then scale back to 75 or so. Throughout all that time, the set temp could be 50f for all...
  4. GTACanuck

    Which inkbird controller and why

    Mine is working just fine in manual mode. Although it was a PITA to figure out, once the setting is correct in the menus it is very easy to switch from auto to manual. Its more of a muscle memory for me now and can post a vid on how to on my next brewday.
  5. GTACanuck

    Blonde Ale Kona Big Wave Golden Ale clone

    I am 2 days into the dry hopping, 3 away from transferring to the brite tank. I went with all Citra as the Galaxy is not available right now in my area.
  6. GTACanuck

    Which inkbird controller and why

    I am using the same one above for my HLT/Mash & BK. Works flawlessly and they are quite inexpensive.
  7. GTACanuck

    Blonde Ale Kona Big Wave Golden Ale clone

    Galaxy is kinda hard to find at the moment. Please let us know how it turns out all Citra. I want to brew this, ideally with Galaxy but if the Citra version turns out great, I will do it as well!
  8. GTACanuck

    Help diagnose STC-1000 error "tS" unit frozen, requires unplug to reset

    Ended up buying a new one. Problem solved. Ordered in some extra sensors, which did not solve the issue. So I just ordered in another unit, maybe one day I will futz around with the one I have and see what went wrong.
  9. GTACanuck

    Help diagnose STC-1000 error "tS" unit frozen, requires unplug to reset

    I did try another sensor, but got an error with it. It's not like the one that came with it. It was one that came with my inkbird PID's. Wasn't expecting it to work really but was worth a shot. I know the fine folks at Inkbird frequent the forum. I do submerge the sensor in a bottle of water...
  10. GTACanuck

    Help diagnose STC-1000 error "tS" unit frozen, requires unplug to reset

    Hi guys, So my STC-1000 has been running for over a year now without issues. Up until last week is when I noticed it wasn't displaying the temperature but the error "tS". I thought immediately that maybe it was in the menu but it wasn't. I unplugged the keezer, plugged it back in and the...
  11. GTACanuck

    Keezer at home - Solution to transport beer

    I did over the Christmas holidays option 1 with a 20# tank... Never again. However this time around I would go with a 2.5 Gal mini keg One of those mini CO2 tanks and a tap right off the tank. Need more? Fill a couple growlers up. Easy, compact and still brings the draught experience.
  12. GTACanuck

    American IPA Bell's Two Hearted Ale Clone (close as they come)

    First attempt for me faired out quite well. SG 1.064 My efficiency game to 71% and that is most likely because I had issues during my fly sparge. I am still learning the technique and hope to nail it down better the next time. I am used to batch sparging and wanted to try something new for...
  13. GTACanuck

    Blonde Ale Centennial Blonde (Simple 4% All Grain, 5 & 10 Gall)

    Honestly this has been 4 out of 5 batches brewed in my house and basically has its own tap now. It's a solid beer for anyone
  14. GTACanuck

    Native ESP8266 BrewPi Firmware - WiFi BrewPi, no Arduino needed!

    I have a question about the install process of Fermentrack. I have decided to try to install on a laptop using Debian Wheezy. I cannot get past the NGINX install portion of the script and after doing some homework I have found a solution, however it is overwritten when I try to re-install via...
  15. GTACanuck

    Inkbird 106vh

    I too have not been able to figure out manual mode for output %. if anyone has the correct info on how, I would appreciate it.
  16. GTACanuck

    Help the InkBird ITC-100V

    Sounds good. Going to do that tonight.
  17. GTACanuck

    Help the InkBird ITC-100V

    So I just powered up for the first time last night. Your diagrams helped tremendously. I gotta go through the whole setup of the PID's still, but the temps are reading accurate. My volts and amps meters are not working, gotta sort through all that and the alarm reset button is wired up in the...
  18. GTACanuck

    Show us your panel

    Here's mine. All finished up, complete clone of Kal's system specs from the electric brewery website.
  19. GTACanuck

    Electric Brewery/DIN Rails

    I bought the same one you looked at. Totally worth every penny. If you are following Kal's guide, this box is a must in my opinion. I couldnt be arsed to measure, line up and cut all the holes unless you...
  20. GTACanuck

    Looking for 2" Triclover -5500 Watt Ripple ULWD Element

    Found this one as well...