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  1. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Yup, back up and running with no issues.
  2. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    It was port/pin 4, but good suggestion. Turned out my Arduino ethernet shield had continuity b/w pin 4 & pin 10 (and a few others) thanks to some shoddy construction or something. Bending pin 4 on the ethernet shield out of the way before reinstalling solved the issue.
  3. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Having a bit of a weird (and disconcerting) issue I hope some of you can help with. Earlier today, I reconfigured my Unishield to connect to Brucontrol via ethernet rather than serial. Installed 450-MEGA-E firmware and edited all the network specs to get things connected. What's happening now...
  4. Dustin_J

    Missouri STL Brewhogs' Summer Smash

    The STL Brewhogs' 4th annual Summer SMaSH Homebrew Competition is coming up on July 16th! There is still plenty of time to brew your entries. Registration is open now for the BJCP sanctioned bottle competition until July 1st. We're also still looking for stewards and judges for our sessions...
  5. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Quick feature request regarding graphs. It'd be great if the 2 Y axis scales were either A) automatically labelled with the variable they're scaling, or B) had their text color change to represent the color of the line selected for the given variable. Even boxes in the appearance settings tab...
  6. Dustin_J

    Stopper and beer oxydation

    Here's something you might be interested in:
  7. Dustin_J

    Stainless CFC Choices

    +1 . This is pretty much word-for-word why I recirc through a Stout CFC instead of using an immersion chiller in my electric setup.
  8. Dustin_J

    Fast Souring - Modern Methods

    Probably 10 minutes or so, but I stir/lightly press the bag the whole time. It gets very dark red/purple in that time
  9. Dustin_J

    Fast Souring - Modern Methods

    Yessir! 5oz dried hibiscus flowers seems to be about right. I've done the additions 3 different ways so far: 1) 3 oz hibiscus at flameout, with another 2 oz as a "dry hop" (or "dry-biscus ":) ) in fermenter after terminal gravity reached. 2) 5 oz hibiscus (in small mesh bag) steeped in ~40oz...
  10. Dustin_J

    [FS - ATL,GA] Lots of brewing equipment, automation stuff, and a FREE* newbie setup

    I'd like one of the 815 pH probes with housing please. Pm also sent.
  11. Dustin_J

    Spunding PSI

    You can use a chart (Keg Carbonation Chart) or calculator (Keg Carbonation Calculator - Brewer's Friend) to get the correct PSI given the temp and desired volumes of CO2. Keep in mind that you need ~ 1 point residual SG for each ~.5 volumes of CO2 you want (beyond what's soluble/already...
  12. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    How many 1-wires are you running? What value pull-up resistor are you using? Does the -127C come up after some of them start to sense/read higher temperatures? I have 5 1-wires and was seeing this (-196.6 F, but same thing) happen using the on-board 4.7k ohm resistor for my unishield. Switching...
  13. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    No sweat, I can live with 1F and it's easy enough to swap probes if need be. Thanks for the quick responses!
  14. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    1-wire temp probe. Linear offset of +1 F (1-wire reads 1 degree lower than my Thermapen). For the PID, calibration is a linear divider of 2.55 to convert 0-255 to 0-100% Edit: Hmm - If the PID element is working off the initial/native value (i.e. 150 F instead 150 F +1) this makes perfect...
  15. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Another PID question. This is for my HLT (3v Herms system). P= 15, I = .07, D = 0. Max output = 100%, Max integral = 50%. These were set via 1) setting I & D = 0 & increasing P until oscillation, then cutting P in half, then 2) increasing I until oscillation, then cutting in half. It's holding...
  16. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    Hello everyone. I'm having some trouble connecting a Unishield Mega Interface via a crossover cable directly to my computer. Basically, I don't know what instructions to follow from the manual, as they all seem to refer to assigning static IPs via a router, using DHCP, etc. It seems like I might...
  17. Dustin_J


    This is my Sophie when she was just a kitten. She's about 15 now, but I just ran across this picture on an old hard drive - probably my favorite ever.
  18. Dustin_J

    Element Firing Light

    If space is a concern, there's no need for the big 22mm lamps that are common on various builds. Something like this (in 110 or 220 as appropriate) would work as well: Indicator Lamp
  19. Dustin_J

    Why no higher end picnic taps?

    Pluto Guns (in ABS if you prefer) seem to fit the bill
  20. Dustin_J

    BruControl: Brewery control & automation software

    @BrunDog, can you please clarify something from one of the Unicon videos? Where did you get these neat little terminal blocks, and is the plan to wire each I/O directly to them as needed? Thank you!