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  1. mrgstiffler

    The [Horribly Unpopular] Soccer Thread

    I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be rioting right now.
  2. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    Recently added to my Deschutes Reserve series collection and just poured one today.
  3. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    I'm relatively new to sours but La Folie is my absolute favorite so far.
  4. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    What are you playing?
  5. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    White Russian with vanilla vodka and peppermint whipped cream.
  6. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    Silk Almond Milk and Ovaltine is a stable for me. Add a scoop or two of protein powder and you have a great snack.
  7. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    The Abyss 2011:
  8. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    Anchorage Galaxy White IPA What an amazing beer. Absolutely fantastic.
  9. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    The Dissident 2014.
  10. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    The Abyss 2014. Definitely tastes young.
  11. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    Sierra Nevada Beer Camp West Coast Double IPA. It's pretty disappointing.
  12. mrgstiffler

    How to add coffee to beer?

    I would say that's unnecessary. Just cold brew and add at packaging.
  13. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    If happiness could be bottled, this beer would be it...
  14. mrgstiffler

    Simple BIAB Calculator

    I can look at adding a water to grain ratio. In the meantime, you can select mashout. It splits the volume into a mash volume and a boiling water addition for a mashout. You could use the same volumes but don't use boiling water for your dunk sparge.
  15. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    Drinking this little guy while I wait for Destiny to unlock.
  16. mrgstiffler

    simple biab calculator question

    Everyone has a different process. You can't really compare how hard one person squeezes the bag compared to another. The calculator assumes no squeezing. Just a lift and drain. I've been meaning to update it with some "fudge" numbers so that people can dial in their systems a bit.
  17. mrgstiffler

    simple biab calculator question

    Yes, this is correct. People usually end up with a lot more loss during fermentation than they expect. The finished beer field is how much drinkable beer you want to end up with. Fermentation trub is how much you leave in the fermenter. I assume that most people will try and transfer as much as...
  18. mrgstiffler

    How to add coffee to beer?

    Don't do that. You're going to extract more from the beans that you want and the yeast is going to remove more than you want. Add cold brewed coffee at packaging time.
  19. mrgstiffler

    The [Horribly Unpopular] Soccer Thread

    I threw on the Liverpool/Arsenal game today. Then went outside to scrape the ice/snow off my car. When I came back, Liverpool was up 5-0. WTF??
  20. mrgstiffler

    What are you drinking now?

    These Dusseldorf Altbiers from Occidental went down so damn easy...