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  1. PikevilleBrew

    Homebrew equipment, hops and books for sale

    As of this evening, this list is what I have: The link may have expired since I posted it.
  2. PikevilleBrew

    Homebrew equipment, hops and books for sale

    Yes, still have them. I'll have to check shipping cost tomorrow morning. I'll PM you. I do not know if the growler filler works on a perlick tap. It's a standard growler filler that fits inside the tap opening.
  3. PikevilleBrew

    Homebrew equipment, hops and books for sale

    PM'd you the info. I still have them.
  4. PikevilleBrew

    Homebrew equipment, hops and books for sale

    I'll get a shipping quote by Monday. Thanks.
  5. PikevilleBrew

    Homebrew equipment, hops and books for sale

    Photos of ball-lock corny kegs now posted in this thread.
  6. PikevilleBrew

    Homebrew equipment, hops and books for sale

    I bought my kegs used originally and used them for a few years. I can take some pictures this evening and attach them to this post.
  7. PikevilleBrew

    DC Area Group Buy #22

    Hey everyone! I have some equipment, hops and books for sale if there's any interest. Trying to clear out the basement! See post here:
  8. PikevilleBrew

    Homebrew equipment, hops and books for sale

    I have homebrewing equipment for sale. I can provide photos, if necessary. Everything is in good working order and hops have been stored in a freezer. This is all your basic homebrew gear, nothing too fancy but great for 5 gallon batches. All items are listed in spreadsheet on Google Drive...
  9. PikevilleBrew

    Maryland Brewing equipment and ingredients for sale

    Update to the list of items I have for sale:
  10. PikevilleBrew

    Maryland Brewing equipment and ingredients for sale

    Yes, all hops listed on the spreadsheet are still available!
  11. PikevilleBrew

    DC Area Group Buy #22

    Hey everyone! I wanted to add to this thread that I am still selling a bunch of brewing gear if there's interest. I really need to get rid of it in the coming months to make room for other projects. I live in Gaithersburg and can meet just about anywhere in the local area...
  12. PikevilleBrew

    Maryland Brewing equipment and ingredients for sale

    Still have a bunch of gear and ingredients for sale...See below link for full list.
  13. 2017-12-18 23.06.15

    2017-12-18 23.06.15

  14. 2017-12-18 23.06.26

    2017-12-18 23.06.26

  15. PikevilleBrew Shared Media

    PikevilleBrew Shared Media
