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  1. Crucial-BBQ

    malts that add sweetness

    I'm not really sure how I got that cake taste, but for three batches in row it was there. I'm guessing that my mush tun, a 10 gallon cooler that is a decade old, must have lost its insulating properties. All three were targeted at over 150 F but after a half hour or so all three mashes had...
  2. Crucial-BBQ

    malts that add sweetness

    Homebrewer: maltiness = sweetness. Pro-brewer : maltiness = malt character. I think I know that sweetness that you you are asking about; I have achieved it a few times and I find it reminiscent of angel food cake. I used basic Briess 2-row brewer's malt, mashed low (139 F) for 90 minutes...
  3. Crucial-BBQ

    Anheuser-Busch InBev Acquires Northern Brewer & Midwest Supplies

    I dunno. I have two LHBSs to choose from. Both are a little more expensive, sure, but the fact that I can walk into either one of them, purchase my goods, and be brewing in that same day is worth the few extra dollars and time saved by not waiting for the shipment to arrive. What I really...
  4. Crucial-BBQ

    How to improve the homebrewing experience?

    The best thing to do imho would be to separate fact from fiction and to keep things solely in the perspective of home brewing. What I mean is that most, if not all, of our techniques, memes, myths, superstitions, etc. etc. come from the pro-brewer side of things and not all of it translates...
  5. Crucial-BBQ

    You know you're a home brewer when?

    Uh, would it not still be cheaper to just pick up a case of bottles from LHBS and a pint of cheap vodka?
  6. Crucial-BBQ

    I am a Homebrewer [video] Release

    How about one where we talk about our love for Cluster hops, corn adjunct, step mashing/cereal mashing/decoctions, domestic malts, no quick-chill chills, stove top brewing, 3 gallon or less brewing, not-having a RIMS/HERMs brewing, the anti-pragmatic home brewers, and so on. It can be called...
  7. Crucial-BBQ

    I am a Homebrewer [video] Release

    Awesome video.... ....until the part about adjuncts. Even back in 2009 it was well understood that corn was not only used to cut the protein of 6-row barley but that also cost per pound corn was was more expensive than barley. It took a German, and some serious brewing knowledge and...
  8. Crucial-BBQ

    Why is everyone only into IPA's

    I began home brewing around 1997 or so and went straight for IPAs and APAs, to the point of near exclusion for a decade. Why? Well, because the very first home-brew I had, back in 1994, was sooooo good, and I mean really good, that I absolutely did not believe it was a home-brew. I am not...
  9. Crucial-BBQ

    Don't steal kegs

    I used to live in Minneapolis, the city does not have aluminum can/glass bottle/plastic bottle recycling for cash like in a few other States. Well, you can get $ for cans but less than half of what you would get in, say, California, so practically no one does it (recycle for cash). Metal...
  10. Crucial-BBQ

    Efficiencies over 100%

    You can never have more than 100%... ...of anything. You can increase something by more than 100% but the end result of the new whole would still be at 100%. If you have $100 then you have 100% of $100. If you checked your pocket five minutes later and found that you now have $136, well...
  11. Crucial-BBQ

    History of decoction mashing is... ...wrong?

    @Bryan, The process of malting is simply coaxing the kernel into germination via water followed by a cool drying process; the point where starches are converted to sugars in preparation for sprouting. After this, the grain is then heated to produce the desired characteristics. Yes, the...
  12. Crucial-BBQ

    History of decoction mashing is... ...wrong?

    Yes, definitely. My understanding is that AB performs a cereal mash, which is a pseudo decoction, which when combined with the main mash raises the temp. So yes, an infusion ramp mash. My issue is that when we think about past techniques we tend to do so with bias formed by current knowledge...
  13. Crucial-BBQ

    Batch Sparge Temp

    My batch sparge temps also typically fall between 150˚ - 170˚F, but I have batched sparged with sparge water that was simply "warm" with no ill results.
  14. Crucial-BBQ

    Attention new all grain brewers!

    While I agree with the OP, I have a suggestion for #1: Yes, if you cannot collect the full volume required for a full boil mashing more grain is the way to go if one also then plans to top off in the primary; my point of contention is this: To the newbie who is already experiencing low...
  15. Crucial-BBQ

    Mash tun: metal supply hose vs false bottom

    I used to use the metal braid; found the longer the braid the better it works--never thought to put a spring inside, though. For the bazooka tube... well, I'm not a fan of these in the mash tun. The surface area of the tube is rather small and the weight of the grains more tightly compacts...
  16. Crucial-BBQ


    Well saying that it can also implies that it can't. And DMS gives a sweet corn off-flavor? Well tell that that to the 100s of 1000s of people who swear they "hate" a beer because they can taste the corn adjunct :rolleyes: Seriously though, just joshing you. For some styles DMS is...
  17. Crucial-BBQ

    History of decoction mashing is... ...wrong?

    The history and reasons behind decoction mashing according to many brewers seems to follow that the technique was developed for reasons of under-modified malts and/or lack of thermometers. Through my own research the former seems to hold some truth, with a few caveats mind you, yet the latter...
  18. Crucial-BBQ

    Single decoction double check

    Don't know if you are still considering the decoction or not, but if you are... ...I would avoid decocting the cara-pils; just add it to the mash after you pull the decoction. But, to be frank, if I were doing this with the decoction I would avoid the cara-pils altogether. And, if...
  19. Crucial-BBQ

    Homebrew Associations in MD

    I am in the Columbia/Ellicott City area and I find it interesting that, despite Maryland Homebrew being located in Columbia, there are no clubs around here. Sure, Catonsville is not far, but, still makes me wonder...