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  1. grammatron

    Isomerized Alpha Extract

    Yeah I know it wouldn't be ideal and it's not going to produce the best beer or anything, but I figure it would get me closer to what I was aiming for at least. Am I correct that doing a hop tea is pretty much only going to add aroma?
  2. grammatron

    Isomerized Alpha Extract

    Howdy folks, I used to post here like 10 years ago, fell out of the hobby for a while, and am now in the Applied Craft Brewing program at Regis University. I'm working on a final project for one of my classes, and I had a disastrous brew day. Long story short, I had a boilover right after I...
  3. grammatron

    Terrapin Brewing

    Actually, they started out contract brewing too. They expanded their brewery 18 months ago or so and started doing everything in house, but I guess demand has overtaken supply.
  4. grammatron

    Terrapin Brewing

    They are a great brewery, and I definitely agree about that brown IPA.
  5. grammatron

    Got my NHC results back yesterday!

    Yep, got my scores from Denver via e-mail too. Hazelnut Brown got a 22, Ginger Saison got a 31, and Mexican Hot Chocolate Stout got a 34. I'm happy w/ the two in the 30s, and I expected the other to score the lowest, so I can't say I'm necessarily disappointed or anything. Not expecting to get...
  6. grammatron

    Got my NHC results back yesterday!

    I entered in Denver too. Anxiously awaiting results.
  7. grammatron

    2011 AHA NHC - whatcha got?

    I entered an Imperial Stout, a Hazelnut Brown, and a Ginger Saison. I did really well in the Dominion Cup competition w/ the stout, but obviously that's a much smaller comp. We'll see what happens.
  8. grammatron

    Large Giveaway - Fermenter, Mash Paddles, Thermapen

    username: grammatron
  9. grammatron

    Sweetwater Brewing Co. - Atlanta GA!

    Happy Ending is the best thing they make in my opinion. I look forward to it all year. The Festive is great too. It was one of the first craft beers I really go into.
  10. grammatron

    priming sugar mishap

    Nah I've had no problems with infections, and that's the only other beer I've had carbonation problems with. Maybe it hadn't fermented all the way out. Not sure. That was 18 months ago at least.
  11. grammatron

    priming sugar mishap

    Yeah I hope it's not. I've got bad luck with IPAs it seems. Last time I brewed one it was way over carbonated too. You'd pour a glass and get an inch of beer and the rest would be head. Still tasty, though.
  12. grammatron

    Sweetwater Brewing Co. - Atlanta GA!

    I've been there a time or two too. I'm hoping to get up to Terrapin next month.
  13. grammatron

    priming sugar mishap

    So I bottled an extract IPA kit I won in the Dominion Cup today. Since it was a free kit, I fooled around with it a little. I threw some oak cubes in the secondary about 10 days ago, and then I split 2 oz of Willamette hops pellets, threw half of them in a week ago and made a hop tea out of the...
  14. grammatron

    Final Gravity's Strong Beer Competition - Call for entries

    Thinking about entering this. I have a 8.5% stout that did well in the Dominion Cup, and and I've got plenty of them left.
  15. grammatron

    Imparting flavor with nuts.?.?.and I don't mean dipping your balls in it.

    This thread reminds me of a picture I snapped once while fishing a hop bag out of a boil:
  16. grammatron

    Imparting flavor with nuts.?.?.and I don't mean dipping your balls in it.

    I'm doing a brown w/ pecans soon and did a search for "pecan" here and found a few different threads discussing it. I'm going to add them to the mash. We'll see how it goes I guess!
  17. grammatron

    Peaches in the secondary

    Have you tasted this yet? How'd it turn out?
  18. grammatron

    "Extra" pale ale?

    Chiming in on the Sweetwater debate here, I gotta agree that there's nothing "light beer" about the 420. It's not that far off from Sierra Nevada's pale ale. It's fairly hoppy (as are all of Sweetwater's beers) and the abv is 5.4%, which isn't exactly low for a pale ale.
  19. grammatron

    Oak aging- short term vs. long term

    bump Anyone else wanna chime in on this?