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  1. steinsato

    Anyone Use Kolsch Yeast For IPA??

    What makes you think kolsch yeast has low attenuation? Wyeast lists it as 73 to 77% which is the same as the American Ale strain. I certainly wouldn't call kolsch a low attenuated beer. It finishes around 1.010 I would think it would be an ok substitute to American Ale yeast, I don't think the...
  2. steinsato

    Southern Tier Warlock extract clone recipe

    Did you ever come up with a recipe for this? I've always wanted to brew a pumpkin beer but this one is by far the best I've found.
  3. steinsato

    Tap Handles made with 3D printers

    We never did find any reasonably priced handles for the minimal quantity we needed. I have since cut way back on the amount of work I do for that company and am not sure if they ever did get any at all to be honest.
  4. steinsato

    Conan Yeast Experiences

    If it's only a liter starter, sometimes I won't bother. It's when you have really big starter like 3L and up that you need to decant.
  5. steinsato

    Conan Yeast Experiences

    Yeah, 90 min. is not long enough to get a good decantation. Over night is usually what I do. Plus, that was probably just long enough to cool the yeast down so when it was added to the warm wort, it probably shocked your yeast which can also cause problems. You'll just have to slow down and take...
  6. steinsato

    Conan Yeast Experiences

    Beardown Did you pitch a good sized starter with your Conan?
  7. steinsato

    So who's brewing this weekend?

    brewing 11 gallons of Baltic Porter tomorrow. Half of it is getting fermented with 1056 then going into a Jack Daniels Barrel with Vanilla Beans. The other half is getting fermented with Saflager 34/70 then going into a Balcones Rumble barrel.
  8. steinsato

    So who's brewing this weekend?

    I'm brewing 11 gallons of Saffron Tripel for the local brewerie's 12 beers of Christmas.
  9. steinsato

    Conan Yeast Experiences

    I pitched 1L starter into a 1.058 Pale Ale 1 week ago and it finished at 1.010. Fermented around 70F. I did not notice the peachy/apricot that this yeast boasts BUT I had some juniper berries in the beer and they are probably masking it. No blowoff during fermentation but a good 2-3 inch...
  10. steinsato

    How long will my hops last in the freezer?

    So how long have people actually kept hops in the freezer and still used them with success? I have a pliny pack that is probably going on about 5 years, vacuum sealed and in the I dare?
  11. steinsato

    BeerSmith - BeerTools - Promash. - Which is best? What do you have?

    You must be using surface pro. I can't do that on my surface 2.
  12. steinsato

    BeerSmith - BeerTools - Promash. - Which is best? What do you have?

    Anyone know of a decent brew software for Microsoft Surface? I have BTP and BS on my laptop and desktop but the surface is my preferred PC at the moment. I've emailed BS numerous times and it honestly doesn't sound like he's going to get around to making an app for it anytime soon.
  13. steinsato

    Altbier Münster Altbier

    Did you ever make the sour version of this beer. I want to make something similar to this but was going to use lactobacillus and I'm afraid the IBU's are too high for a good lactic sourness to take hold. Reading the style guidlines for Altbier, I was surprised to see the Munster version can be...
  14. steinsato

    Looking for a clone recipe for Detour DIPA from Uinta Brewing

    I'd love to know this as well. I like these IPA's that have good hop flavor and aroma but also have a really strong malt backbone.
  15. steinsato

    HomeBrewTalk 2014 Big Giveaway

    Sign me up! I'm feeling lucky