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  1. Kralizec


    by combining the weird yeasts one might rule out more than the others in the blend. Most of those bugs don't reproduce as quickly as some of the others, so you might have a very lacto or saccro beer.
  2. Kralizec


    skunking has nothing to do with yeast and everything to do with hops. Hops are definitely in the beer when its done boiling.
  3. Kralizec


    make sure to put a light proof bag over the fermenter, don't want it to get skunked off the bat.
  4. Kralizec

    Home Toasted Malts, and the Waiting Game

    if its anything like roasting coffee, the grain needs time to settle back down and develop the flavors that you roasted it for in the first place.
  5. Kralizec

    Counterflow wort chiller

    I get mine down to 80 or so then throw it in the ferm fridge (set to the proper temp) and wait til morning to throw in the yeast.
  6. Kralizec

    Ice Stabilization

    It'd be quite difficult and I'm sure there aren't many people who have the availability of a large freezer and soforth.
  7. Kralizec

    Unnecessarily complicated stir plate

    I know we'll add bluetooth, everyone loves bluetooth.
  8. Kralizec

    Hops Direct

    pellets will last a lot longer than the whole leaf hops. as long as they are sealed up they will last over a year with little AA degradation. the best storage is pellets in a glass jar in the freezer/
  9. Kralizec

    IPA - advice

    That'll Do.
  10. Kralizec

    IPA - advice

    That sounds pretty good. maybe have the second addition be 25-20 min instead of 10. Other than the hopping, this is the same grain I use for IPAs, very crisp and just enough malty flavor.
  11. Kralizec

    Mmmmmm. Chinook....

    ultimate west coast hop combo - chinook/simcoe
  12. Kralizec

    Hops Direct

    funny thing is when I got my first multi pound order a friend came over the next day. He sees on my table a scale and a bunch of hop leaves everywhere. He asks, so you sell pot? I reply no but you can give me money for that beer you are drinking ;)
  13. Kralizec

    Aromatic/Amarillo SMASH

    that's going to have some intense mouthfeel.
  14. Kralizec

    Sorachi Ace / cat piss

    my friends think that sorachi ace tastes like coconut rum mixed in with the beer. this was with a IIPA, so there was a lot of hops :)
  15. Kralizec

    IPA - advice

    i have had great success with chinook hallertau, and simcoe citra
  16. Kralizec

    Pinhole leak in Corny keg

    dont pressure test around werewolves the silver solder might fly out and kill them....
  17. Kralizec

    My obligatory "Here's what I learned" thread

    I got it when I got my Iphone over a year ago. Great software, but be sure to either back up your phone or email yourself the recipes since any problems with your phone and all your recipes will be gone.
  18. Kralizec

    Mariss Otter?

    Whats wrong with swallowing the grain?
  19. Kralizec

    Protip: Always carry carboys with TWO hands

    dry off the carboy and your hands next time?
  20. Kralizec

    I'm a dumb*ss - Brew Day mistakes

    i have forgotten to heat up the sparge water with 30 min left in the mash around 3 times. oh well 90 min mash.