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  1. Kapoor

    Cooling Wort Fast Without A Chiller

    I'm just wondering why no one just adds ice to the wort? I could understand that it could potentially add pathogens to the wort, I guess. However, the water they use needs to be food grade. What's the negatives of this method? I've done it to the last two batches with no change in flavor, or...
  2. Kapoor

    Cooling Wort Fast Without A Chiller

    I'm just wondering why no one just adds ice to the wort? I could understand that it could potentially add pathogens to the wort, I guess. However, the water they use needs to be food grade. What's the negatives of this method? I've done it to the last two batches with no change in flavor, or...
  3. Kapoor

    American Amber Ale Much Better Amber Ale

    Grated I've never used anything but dry yeast, but I've had a similar experience when fermenting a little low temperature wise. Increased the temp by a few degrees and it picked right up again. I'm currently on day seven post-brewday. My fermentation went crazy on day three with a krausen...
  4. Kapoor

    American Amber Ale Much Better Amber Ale

    Hey thanks for getting right back to me, I'm actually about 10minutes away from the boil. :rockin: I ended up with some Centennial @ 10.5%AA and lucky for me I have a digital scale. So I'll just use 0.876 oz Centennial and 0.6oz Cascade, divided in to portions of course. Thanks again
  5. Kapoor

    American Amber Ale Much Better Amber Ale

    Hello all, First off congratulations Mick! Secondly I don't know if this is a stupid question, but what %AA where your hops in the original recipe posted for the Much Better Amber? Do you find that it makes much of a difference? Because I got some Cascade in the freezer that's 9.1% and I know...
  6. Kapoor

    20th Anniversary Garden City BrewFest

    Just as a reminder it's May 5, 2012 – 12-8pm – Caras Park – Downtown, Missoula. Last year there were 30 beers from across the country represented! Should be another good year, hopefully the weather turns for us.
  7. Kapoor

    Partial Grain Tupelo Cream Ale

    Hello Chavi, It looks delicious. I'm just wondering what the %AA the Mittlefruh is that you typically use, or do you not really consider the variation? Also I'm assuming that the LME is a pale/light malt extract (you know what is said about assuming anything)? Any specific yeast that you like...
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  10. Kapoor

    A Big Thank You From Montana

    Hello All, I too like many other have been lurking around these forums picking up ideas, and learning new tricks to improving my home brewing. Now it's finally time for me to introduce myself. I've basically just started my homebrew journey. I started with the "deluxe" homebrew start up...