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  1. M

    Cran/Blackberry Mead

    You could age with the cranberries as long as you pasteurize them first, however you might get way to much tart flavor from aging on, them. I'd prob ad the honey and cranberries leave it.for a month then rack and age do that it clears and some of the tartness fades
  2. M

    Still mead problem

    I'm wondering if Tom is correct and it was simply an issue of poor degassing. I suppose it is the only reasonable explanation why the co2 crept up after so long...
  3. M

    Still mead problem

    I meant sulphite and sorbate, it was a typo and yes I had taken my readings, the mead finished at .996 which was actually lower then what I had planned. I backsweetened with a pound of buckwheat honey and then let it age in tertiary for 5 months after that. It was bottled for another 5 months...
  4. M

    Cran/Blackberry Mead

    Hey Erin, Just got back one the forum sorry for the late reply. Yeah as long. You stabilized the mead and shocked the yeast I would certainly back sweeten. I think some clover honey would do the trick for you. Your mead fermented out a little more Han my did, but it still sounds like it...
  5. M

    Still mead problem

    Funk! You have absolutely nailed the conditions. The wine was perfectly clear when bottled and now there is a cloudy haze floating in suspension. When I pour the mead it is still very clear, but it does look a little strange in the bottle. Also we have had a bottle where the cork has pushed...
  6. M

    Still mead problem

    So I made my Cranberry/Blackberry Melomel and bottled it about a year ago. I had used both sulphite and metabisulphite in the secondary to shock the yeast and keep my mead still. The bottles were still up until a couple of months ago. Now they are fairly carbonated. I'm not sure where...
  7. M

    Calling all Blichmann BeerGun owners

    So perhaps I'm having straight kegging issues, or maybe this is something common to the beer gun, but I am having head retention issues. I feel like I have tried everything. I have even had my beer sit at 30 PSI for a week and then bottled at 10 PSI using the beer gun. The beer remains...
  8. M

    Wondering how commercial breweries carbonate in the bottle?

    As someone who owns the beer gun, I've been having some head retention issues. Perhaps someone can enlighten me. The beer is all carbed up in the keg. Sometimes it's been sitting at high pressure for over a week before I bottle any of it. I usually bottle at 10 psi, but for some reason I am...
  9. M

    Fruit Beer Succulent Strawberry Blonde

    I will 2nd this post. I do a recipe very similar to this (just a slightly different blonde recipe) and always add a half pound of lactose into the secondary when I add the strawberries (I use 6 lbs of Strawberries) I don't find the final product to be tart at all, so I would suggest trying that.
  10. M

    Fruit Beer Succulent Strawberry Blonde

    yeah, my recipe is at my store though. When I get to work I will post it. It's a slightly different version but comes out real nice.
  11. M

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Honey & Chamomile Wheat: What a way to end a long day

    Love this beer, I have been keeping a version of this beer on tap every spring and summer for awhile now. Always a hit. (In fact just keggedd my first batch of it for this year)
  12. M

    Caramel Apple Mead

    Finally got around to doing this batch. I did a 5 gallon batch w/ a 500 ml 1116 starter. My O.G. was 1.113 so pretty spot on, although I only yielded about 4.8 gallons of liquid so that was a little off. Smells a little malty right now, like the crystal is slightly overbearing but I'm...
  13. M

    Entering Homebrew Alley 6

    I still haven't received my scoresheet...what the hell!
  14. M

    Entering Homebrew Alley 6

    I really need my freaking scoresheet
  15. M

    American Porter Imperial Honey Porter

    ^^ I'd probably throw something like a nottingham in and see if you could jump start the fermentation. On a side note, I'm about to do this beer again, but I plan on using my beergun to bottle with and carbonate using co2. I haven't done a big beer with co2 before. Anything I should be...
  16. M

    Entering Homebrew Alley 6

    Thanks for the update Airborne...looking forward to getting mine early this week!
  17. M

    Pistachio Beer Ideas

    I removed them prior to freezing. IMO steeping the nuts in the hot water for awhile really pulls out all the flavor so there is no real reason to freeze the nuts. My suggestion after u thaw out the liquid would be to run it through a coffee filter, that will help pull out the fats and oils...
  18. M

    Caramel Apple Mead

    good point...that vanilla cinnamon sounds interesting how'd it come out for u?
  19. M

    Entering Homebrew Alley 6

    Thanks dude, still waiting on my end as well. I hope its a ribbon or medal, and not a certificate :(
  20. M

    Caramel Apple Mead

    Sounds good... I do a Vanilla Milk Stout where I put two beans into the secondary split down the middle length wise and get a descent vanilla profile from that but haven't used them in a mead yet. I've been wanting to get this recipe going and looks like Monday may finally be the day.