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  1. glienhard

    Hello Fellow Washingtonians!!

    I know that CBG has a webpage too. You can find the link to it (and most other WA clubs) on the WAHA site,
  2. glienhard

    Hello Fellow Washingtonians!!

    Nope, there are several folks that watch this. Welcome to the thread :)
  3. glienhard

    Hello Fellow Washingtonians!!

    Washington Homebrewers Association keeps a list and map of active clubs in the state. I would suggest checking there first. Cheers!
  4. glienhard

    How to make higher ABV

    According to NB the estimated OG is 1.042. Given this and that Muntons says that the yeast supplied in the kit has an attenuation of 70%, I'd say that your 1.014 is right on the mark. At this point, RDWHAHB :mug:
  5. glienhard

    How to make higher ABV

    Exactly, just read the specific gravity off the hydrometer. Then you can manually calculate or use one of many free calculators online. What was your OG and then what was the reading you just took?
  6. glienhard

    Old liquid yeast need starter?

    The biggest issue I can think of is stressing the yeast by under pitching. There are probably still plenty of good viable yeast but they would do best if you were to make a starter. Even if you could put off pitching and allow a starter to go for 24hrs it would be better than not. If you do end...
  7. glienhard

    Help with my brew

    Did you take a gravity post-mash / pre-boil? Also, how vigorous was your boil?
  8. glienhard

    Oregon Barrels in Oregon/Washington

    Check with Baders. They had some a little while back.
  9. glienhard

    Hello Fellow Washingtonians!!

    Welcome to the area. The closest place to get good prices on grain is to put together a group buy from either Main Street or Brew Brothers in Hillsboro (just west of Portland). Beer Essentials, Fermentation Initiative, Jon's Homebrew, Rocky Top, and Baders have OK prices if you are needing...
  10. glienhard

    Hello Fellow Washingtonians!!

    They will not sell directly to homebrewers.
  11. glienhard

    Magnum hops substitute

    I'd stick in the C hop family and go with either Centennial or Chinook
  12. glienhard

    Adding Pectic Enzyme After Fermentation Starts

    I have had mixed results to adding it after fermentation has started. In general I have had a low success rate so I don't bother with it if I forget at the beginning. I have moved to using other clearing agents like bentonite or gelatin.
  13. glienhard

    How do I improve my cider?

    homebrewer_99 you are so right on the yeast killing for bottling. If you are going to bottle and you want the cider still you must kill the yeast. If you are bottling and want a level of sparkling cider then you can't kill all the yeast since they are needed for your desired level of carb...
  14. glienhard

    How do I improve my cider?

    1:1 ratio seems very excessive. While yes the risk of over pitching, especially in the cider/wine kind of family, is not as big an issue as it is in beer, a 1:1 ratio would give you the same result as one or two packets (depending on OG). Anything more would just be a waste of money. On the...
  15. glienhard

    How do I improve my cider?

    You will find that opinions are like fingers...everyone has many and none are better than the other. That being said, here are my thoughts :) First and most important, if your process makes a beverage you like then there is really no need to change it unless you want to tweak it and make...
  16. glienhard

    Can You Brew It recipe for Rogue Dead Guy Ale

    The recipe below looks to be on the light side (both in grain and hops) to match up with what Rogue lists for Dead Guy, but it should turn out a good drinking beer.
  17. glienhard

    Can You Brew It recipe for Rogue Dead Guy Ale

    @doomXsaloon - What did you brew for recipe?
  18. glienhard

    Alaskan Summer Ale Kolsch - please critique

    I would convert the grain bill as follows: 5lb Pilsner Liquid Extract 1.5lb Wheat Liquid Extract .75lb Munich 10L .75lb Vienna This should give you a pretty close match with steeping the specialty grains.
  19. glienhard

    Can You Brew It recipe for Rogue Dead Guy Ale

    Sterling is used as a substitution for for Saaz.
  20. glienhard

    Deschutes Red Chair clone attempt

    @cracked1 - Did you ever brew this? How did it come out? Did you / would you make any changes? Thanks in advance