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  1. Brewsam

    What's your profession?

    Pediatric ICU doctor....
  2. Brewsam

    HELP!!! Southern Pecan clone

    I am trying to make a clone of southern pecan from Lazy Magnolia Brewing Company. Of course I have never tasted this beer but my brewing buddy just got back from the South and said it is great and has several pounds of roasted pecans in his freezer. Their web site gives the following...
  3. Brewsam

    Best store bought juice for cider?

    I use the whole foods brand or Mendacino (North Coast) apple cider also available at whole foods. It comes in one gallon glass jugs and has been pasteurized and has no preservatives. We do have local apple cider that may be cheaper but I am way too paranoid about E. coli, I have taken care of...
  4. Brewsam

    Cooling Wort Fast Without A Chiller

    You may be able to get some more efficiency by adding rock salt to the ice bath? In the end it looks like too much work for me to be hauling a 45 pounds of hot wort into the sink. and then constantly string. But if it works, who can complain, nicely done!
  5. Brewsam

    Cooling Wort Fast Without A Chiller

    You may be able to get some more efficiency by adding rock salt to the ice bath? In the end it looks like too much work for me to be hauling a 45 pounds of hot wort into the sink. and then constantly string. But if it works, who can complain, nicely done!
  6. Brewsam

    Home Brewery Build

    Nice! This would be my dream! Are you going to grow hops in those raised planters in the back?
  7. Brewsam

    Why doesn't everyone just BIAB?

    Interesting thread. Has anybody used High gravity brew's BIAB automated system? I have been brewing AG with two igloo coolers and a 10 gallon BK. I am looking to upgrade to simplify and to automate for...