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  1. VegasBrew1

    Lagunitas sells to Heineken , another good brewery sells their soul to corpor...

    While I am all for business owners doing what they will with THEIR company, I would shed a tear if Rogue ever sold out. I don't buy it too often, but it got me on the road to brewing my own.
  2. VegasBrew1

    Can I try a bottled beer after four days?

    Yeah. Let it motivate you to become more patient (I certainly had to learn that) and to get that pipeline going. Cheers.
  3. VegasBrew1

    gelatin finings?

    My experience was that it clarified the beer quite well. However, it took longer for the beer to bottle carb. If you've got a pipeline, no worries. If not, be prepared for even longer wait times. I think my experience was 6 weeks rather than the normal 3.
  4. VegasBrew1

    Brewing on the Edge of the World: Canada's Arctic - Part II

    Definitely enjoyable reading. I really appreciated the irony that almost everyone in town is an alcoholic (at least that's the picture you painted), yet you're the home brewer. And the prices you pay for stuff is unconscionable. It scares me to think what the bro owes to the weed man. I do have...
  5. VegasBrew1

    American Amber Ale Caramel Amber Ale

    I've been wanting to brew this for a while. Ordered the DAP months ago, just never brewed it. Making the candy syrup was far easier than I expected. One surprise was the strong ammonia smell coming from the pan. I believe it was right around the 240 or 250F range. It did dissipate prior to flame...
  6. VegasBrew1

    DIY Drip Trays - I call them "The Fellas"

    Sadly, not ribbed for her (SWMBO?) pleasure.
  7. VegasBrew1

    Kegs - from sea level to 7,000 ft

    Which would make me wonder about these balanced tap lines programs not accounting for elevation in their computation. Perhaps it only comes into play if the keg is moved?
  8. VegasBrew1

    Temp probe location on my 1st keezer?

    Howdy brewers. I've been using mini fridges as ferm chambers. I have a bungee cord around each bucket, insulate the stc-1000 prob by carving a small notch out of some thick/dense foam. The bare part of the probe goes against the bucket, the foam part protects from ambient air readings. I was...
  9. VegasBrew1

    gelatin finings?

    I was told 7 minutes, which is really nit picking. But that is my magic # and SOP. I still think for my situation, a quicker cool down would provide greater honest product evals. Cheers.
  10. VegasBrew1

    The Brewmasters - Brian Faivre Of Deschutes Brewery

    Now you've done it. I guess I gotta plan a visit to my relatives up in Bend.
  11. VegasBrew1

    Adding gelatin finings - the no BS way

    I have found, to rush things along without harming quality, is get the beer down to just above freezing. +.5C in my case. Then immediately add the gelatin mixture, and let sit at that temp for 48 more hours. Results were even better than I'd hoped. This process definitely increased my bottle...
  12. VegasBrew1

    gelatin finings?

    I just started fining with gelatin. I cold crash in primary after sufficient clean up time. Once beer is @ +.5C I add 1 tsp Knox with about 4 oz of RO water. Heated to 150F, I've just poured it in gently or pour in and stir. Remarkable effect. I think I'll keg dry hop AFTER I fine just to ensure...
  13. VegasBrew1

    first time kegging

    I'm kegging for first time tomorrow. You say beer is ready to consume in 2 days. So with the high psi (30) value on it for 30 to 36 hours, you just have to purge keg of excess pressure and set the correct serving pressure? In 12 more hours she's ready to serve? Sounds pretty sweet. On the flip...
  14. VegasBrew1

    Carbing in Amber pet bottles

    I guess PET bottles have a thirst for sugar? Or else it is a pant load.
  15. VegasBrew1

    McMaster Keg O-Ring List

    I know, old thread. But it took some research for me to find o ring sizes for universal poppets. This link could be the correct answer.
  16. VegasBrew1

    Taprite regulator, to washer or not to washer?

    Thank you gentlemen. Much appreciated. I'm trying to minimize errors, though I know there will be a learning curve. As this is my first time kegging. Cheers all.
  17. VegasBrew1

    Taprite regulator, to washer or not to washer?

    That's the question. Be it nobler in the mind to suffer the outrageous CO2 leaks, or get it right the first time? But truly, I like to do my homework (at least regarding brewing and drinking beer). Normally I can sift through the detritus and figure out what's correct. But it seems 50/50...
  18. VegasBrew1

    Minimal Carbonation in Kegs

    Interesting. Certainly seems to fit his symptoms. Gauge is accurate, just no way for the co2 to get to the beer. And the tank will stay full.
  19. VegasBrew1

    Why are people into beer whats the deal?

    However, I very much enjoy getting beer into me!:mug:
  20. VegasBrew1

    Question on Batch sparge

    Good info, thanks. I probably will always stick with batch sparging, so that will save me some time. Much appreciated!