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  1. BadgerBrewer

    Show us your sculpture or brew rig

    Very nice set up! Well done. I have been cooking the idea of going all electric and this is a very clean looking rig. Any chance you can throw in a few pics of the insides of your kettles?
  2. BadgerBrewer

    Bottling Straight from Keggerator

    You sure can. I think there are a few threads on the topic on this site, but basically you can just take your bottling wand and insert it into your tap faucet (or picinic faucet). Purge most of the gas out of your keg to reduce foaming, and fill your bottle. When you pull your wand out, there...
  3. BadgerBrewer

    Group buy for Used 5 Gallon Ball Lock Kegs $25

    Flomaster, just shot over the funds from PayPal. Muchas Gracias amigo!
  4. BadgerBrewer

    Group buy for Used 5 Gallon Ball Lock Kegs $25

    I will take 2 please!
  5. BadgerBrewer

    Black stuff on immersion chiller

    I suspect that the black stuff is oxydation on your copper. Should not be a problem, just make sure to put it into your boil kettle when there is 15 minutes left in the boil to sanitize it and you should be fine. when you chill and pull it out of the pot it will look like brand new copper!
  6. BadgerBrewer

    Santa Maria

    It is fine to use 5 gallons as your batch size, but just realize that you will end up with 4 - 4.5 gallons in your keg at the end of the process since there will be a fair sized yeast cake/trub pile left when you rack over to your keg.
  7. BadgerBrewer

    Dry hopping in the keg (continual while drinking)

    When doing this method, do people generally use whole leaf hops in the tea ball or can you use pellet hops? I use gelatin when kegging, plus a cold crash method to make the beer crystal clear. I want to avoid clouding the beer up again if I try this method with pellets as they tend to turn...
  8. BadgerBrewer

    How do you chill your wort?

    I use a 50' IC (1/2") which drops my 10 gallon batches down to 110 degrees or so in 15 minutes using warm 85 degree Texas ground water. I added a sump pump from Harbour Freight ($24 with discount coupon) that moves 1600+ gph. I fill my HLT with water and ice and pump that cold water through my...
  9. BadgerBrewer

    An AGE old question.

    Age it cold to clarify/condition. No reason to keep at room temp unless you don't have room in the serving system. Fermentation is done after 7 weeks (if your hydrometer tells you so). Done is done. Cold helps clarify.
  10. BadgerBrewer

    can you rack to a keg?

    CO2 man. 48 hours at 30psi and you are ready to rock. Why wait if you are serving from your keg?? After 48 hours purge and condition as long as you want to clear. Usually no more than a few days...a few weeks at most and crystal clear.
  11. BadgerBrewer

    Quick Question RE: Yeast Watching/Pitching

    3 hours? man...wait at least 3 days and then push the panic button. You should be fine provided your santitation/washing methods were sound
  12. BadgerBrewer

    Question for pumpers - Vorlauf?

    Mine either. Just make sure to run the valve only partially open rather than full so decrease the suction from your MLT. I leave the MLT wide open but restrict my pump 'out' valve to half way or less to avoid a brick of grains.
  13. BadgerBrewer

    Show us your DIY wort chillers

    I have been using a pre-chiller for my IC and whirlpool device as the ground water in Texas is about 85 degrees. Anyone have a better set up than a pre-chiller with an IC? I have 50' of 3/8" tubing I can always make into a CFC, but want to avoid if possible.
  14. BadgerBrewer

    Who has two thumbs and is switching to a blow-off tube?

    No blow off tube for this guy...I use Fermcap in my fermentation buckets now. Even my blowoff tube gets clogged. No more issues once I switched to the drops! Awesome stuff!
  15. BadgerBrewer

    Blow off tube idea - feasible?

    You can always use Fermcap drops to control your krausen levels. This is a shot of my Black IPA I brewed a month ago (turned out AWESOME), and ever since this I am now a disciple of Fermcap! Use it in the boil and use it in the fermenter. I also use a drop when checking my hydrometer to...
  16. BadgerBrewer

    Widmer W '10 Pitch Black Ale Grain Assistance

    I cracked my keg last night and have my first Pitch Black IPA. It is just about perfect if I do say so myself. Not a true clone in the purest sense of the word, but certainly a very tastey Black IPA that I would make again. It is so black that the beer lines look purple. Pours like Texas Tea...
  17. BadgerBrewer

    240VAC Toolbox Control Panel with Pics

    I love the 240 in a box setup. I am looking to do the same thing by running an extention from my dryer outlet. What type of extention wire/cord did you use from the house to the box? How much does that stuff cost? I thought it was pretty pricey, and I am needing at least 25', preferrably...
  18. BadgerBrewer

    new AG setup: test or brew?

    Let 'er rip man! But take lots and lots of notes regarding temps, volumes, times, etc. along the way as you brew so you can fine tune the process. I also suggest a nice brewing software program to help dial in your efficiency and other target numbers (like Beersmith). Good luck and take...
  19. BadgerBrewer

    who would you get drunk with?

    The question was "drunk" with....not HIGH! :D
  20. BadgerBrewer

    Spent Grain? Make Your Best Friend Cookies!

    I brewed last Saturday and put the grains in a garbage bag...smelled like a$$ that night! Jason - BTW, we are brewing tomorrow at 5:00 am so I will have 15 pounds of grains for you (Blonde Ale) if you want to make treats tomorrow! PM me if you want them (Or want to drop by and help with the...