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  1. cshamilton

    What beer/homebrew blogs/magazines do you read?

    Magazine: Zymurgy Blogs: Shut up about Barclay Perkins (Awesome Beer History and Brewing blog).
  2. cshamilton

    Lager yeast at room temperarures (SafLager 34/70)

    26 C / 79 F is pretty hot even for an Ale. I've used W34/70 in the low 60s F / 15-17 C
  3. cshamilton

    nut brown ale?

    The 'nut' just refers to the shade of brown. It's a simple english brown ale. Look up a clone of Samuel Smith's Nut Brown or Newcastle Brown Ale.
  4. cshamilton

    Is NO crystal in porter advisable?

    The DME might have a small amount of C10 or 20 in it depending on manufacturer. You've got a lot going on there, so you could give it a shot. The original porters didn’t use crystal malt, since it didn’t really exist.
  5. cshamilton

    Fruit Beer Tart Cherry Cream Ale

    Here is a pick of the latest batch, so good....
  6. cshamilton

    Over Carbonated Hefe - What went wrong?

    If this was a 5 or 6 gallon batch that sounds like significantly more sugar than needed. I also don't trust most bottles above 3.5 volumes of CO2 - the heavier German and Belgian bottles can handle 4 though. I am guessing you are at 5+ though for a 5 or 6 gallon batch.
  7. cshamilton

    Extra Pale Premium Pilsner Malt is dark in fermenter

    Technically not volume, it's the width or path length that makes it look darker. It's related to a property called Beer's Law (really!) Absorbance = Ex. Coefficient * path length * concentration
  8. cshamilton

    Funny things you've overheard about beer

    Beer gas contains Nitrogen (N2) not nitrous (N2O)
  9. cshamilton

    Any ideas how to remove beer stone from a plastic fermenter.

    Vinegar takes it out of my boil kettle
  10. cshamilton

    Can you brew on a BBQ Grill?

    Wow almost a 10 year old thread!
  11. cshamilton

    Ratebeer now partially owned by ABInBev?

    Wasn't sure if anyone posted on this already, but apparently ZX Ventures bought a minority stake of Ratebeer. I'm not a huge user of that site, but a lot of craft beer people are. Dogfish Head has called them out for a conflict of interest and asked for all of their beers to be removed...
  12. cshamilton

    German (or other languages!) origin beer-related words

    Wort comes from Stammwürze
  13. cshamilton

    Harvested yeast starter...a little sour

    Unless you hop your starter wort, it will often taste a bit sour. As long as you can grow up a healthy starter you should be fine. There is always a risk when harvesting, I've never done heady but I've harvested Bell's yeast. The starter had a slight twang, but the beer turned out awesome with...
  14. cshamilton

    Scottish Beer History

    Sorry Facebook live is a bit limiting. I can hear it ok, but need to turn up the volume. It does depend on how close he was to the mic. It was a great talk.
  15. cshamilton

    Scottish Beer History

    Ron Pattinson was at Hillsdale College today. Here is the talk:
  16. cshamilton

    Help with strawberry ale.

    If you are talking about the fruit juice concentrate, I would let it ferment out or the beer would be too sweet. You could add a bit more in the keg if you want to up the flavor, but would need to keep it cold or stabilize.
  17. cshamilton

    Help with strawberry ale.

    Strawberry is a tough flavor to get in a beer. Adding fruit also means it will take a while to clear. I haven't used their products, but fruitfast sells fruit juice concentrates. They aren't cheap, but they are sterile and you add directly to your primary after it has finished...
  18. cshamilton

    Barley Wine (noob questions)

    Not a fan of Brown sugar in beers. Check this out: The 90 min+ boil is often needed since you usually have a bigger mash volume and need to boil it down longer to get to the proper volume...
  19. cshamilton

    Founders KBS (is it worth the cost)?

    At Founders the KBS was the equivalent of $24 for a 4 pack, so that price is reasonable. I'd say leave the old singles alone unless you really liked last years or want to do a vertical tasting. Last I tried 2012-2016 side by side with 4 people. The 2012 was the best, the 2016 was in 2nd or 3rd...
  20. cshamilton

    all dme brew. what hops?

    What style are you shooting for? Maybe you could do something like a dunkelweissen. So the munich wheat yeast and some german hops. Look up recipes for hop times/amounts. Probably want mostly 60 min bittering hops, maybe just a touch at the end.