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  1. Hwk-I-St8

    Fermzilla All-Rounder with Temp Twister

    This is exactly what I use. I got some sort of adhesive heating pad for heat, in inkbird to control that and the freezer and I can ferment from 100 down to cold crashing to 34 degrees. Works great. I've been using a big mouth bubbler but the all-rounder for pressure ferm and pressure...
  2. Hwk-I-St8

    To anyone who uses an immersion chiller

    My BrewBuilt kettle came with a notched lid. I put that on and wrap a starsan soaked rag around it to completely plug the opening. I worry less about it in the winter, but it's just part of my process now. I used to brew in the driveway, now I brew in the garage.
  3. Hwk-I-St8

    Fermzilla AllRounder Insulating Jacket

    I run my All Rounder in a chest freezer with an inkbird and a heating pad. I can maintain whatever temp I want, cold crash quickly and the freezer was only $150 at Best Buy. I have an IPA cold crashing in it as I type. It'll be mostly carbed and ready to keg in a couple days.
  4. Hwk-I-St8

    Ss Brew Kettle vs Spike

    I have ball valves that I clean by running hot pbw and a hot water rinse. I make sure to cycle them open/closed about a dozen times each so that the cleaner/rinse get all around the valve. After about 18 months of brewing I took them apart for deep cleaning and there wasn't really anything to...
  5. Hwk-I-St8

    Favorite part of brew day?

    I'm like the OP....I like the smells. I brew a fair number of NEIPAs. For quite awhile, I really had no boil hops....maybe some the last 5 minutes, but mostly whirlpool and dry hop. I started adding a small amount FWH for two reasons. One, I wanted a bit more bitterness, but I have to admin...
  6. Hwk-I-St8

    Ebiab design questions

    I'm confused. What's the value of whirlpooling the wort that's below bag during the mash? I just brewed Saturday. As far as ripple elements or false bottoms messing up trub cones....I have not seen that ever. I used to have a recirculating BIAB and had nice trub cones with the false bottom...
  7. Hwk-I-St8

    Ebiab design questions

    Not sure about the whirlpool port location. I've had one down low, the current one is about 3" above the drain port and offset to the side (not directly above). Riptides rock. I have two for my KRIMS rig....easy to control, easy to clean and quiet. For 5 gallon batches, it's my opinion that...
  8. Hwk-I-St8

    My latest brewery upgrade - slide in pump mounts!

    I've been wanting to do this for about 6 months but kept getting busy with other things. I have two brew tables that are Husky brand workbenches that have a crank to adjust them up and down. When not in use, I nest them. On brew day, I roll one out to the side to make an 'L' with the tables...
  9. Hwk-I-St8

    Verdant IPA yeast best practices

    How does this yeast do when fermenting under pressure? With 1318 I've had some issues with diacetyl. Does verdant behave similarly?
  10. Hwk-I-St8

    Broke my last airlock and had to get creative

    I buy airlocks by the dozen. As soon as I get down to to 2 or 3, I add another dozen to my next supplies order.
  11. Hwk-I-St8

    Ss Brew Kettle vs Spike

    I have two 10G kettles. A BrewBuilt and a Spike. I started with the BrewBuilt and the only reason I replaced it was that I was going to electric and didn't want a weldless fitting for the element. I actually prefer the BrewBuilt because it came with a notched lid (with rubber filler piece)...
  12. Hwk-I-St8

    QuickConnects or Camlocks for hot side?

    I'm a QD guy. I have the males on all hardware (kettles, pumps, etc.) and females on the hoses. They're quick, easy, one-handed and they just work. I bought all mine from the same place to ensure compatibility.
  13. Hwk-I-St8

    All you can do is laugh....

    I got a new fermzilla all-rounder so that I could pressure ferment. It has the same connector for the gas and liquid line. I went to connect the spunding valve and doing an initial pressurization to 8 psi. I connected the spunding valve to the liquid line which sent beer through the...
  14. Hwk-I-St8

    Stainless CFC Choices

    All valid concerns. I'm lucky in that I have a BrewBuilt kettle that has a factory notch in the lid (with rubber "plug"). My Hydra fits perfectly. While chilling, I have a sanitizer soaked towel wrapped around the chiller tubes effectively sealing the opening from bugs etc. I haven't had an...
  15. Hwk-I-St8

    Stainless CFC Choices

    Oh yeah, that's a really good point. I brew electric in my garage, so I'm planning to get a condenser if I ever get a sink installed. I usually put my IC in with 5 minutes to go (same time I add whirlfloc). If it were me, I'd put up with 5 minutes of steam (that's probably about what you'd get...
  16. Hwk-I-St8

    Stainless CFC Choices

    Unless you're brewing large enough batches where an immersion chiller is no longer viable, I see no reason to do anything other an immersion chiller. Easy to use, easy to clean, no risk of clogs, you can visually see that it's clean, etc. If you have concerns about copper, why not a SS...
  17. Hwk-I-St8

    Modulating a ebiab to a 3 vessel system

    I don't know much about the all-in-one systems, but the prototypical eBIAB vessel is essentially a boil kettle. There's no reason it can't serve that purpose in a 3 vessel system as well. The Spike Solo, for example, could be used as a boil kettle or you could put an end clamp in the tri-clamp...
  18. Hwk-I-St8

    Stirring Mash While Recirculating

    I'm still working out the process on my newly built K-RIMS rig, but so far my process is to underlet, stir/check for dough balls, settle for 5 mins, vorlauf (recirc directly back to mash tun), the do full recirc through the kettle. I have a chapman thermobarrel so my temps don't change much...
  19. Hwk-I-St8

    How much Co2 when aging a beer in keg?

    Boy, I think that style benefits from natural carbonation. If it were me, I'd add sugar and let the yeast do it's job.