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  1. M

    Grainfather vs Anvil Foundry vs Brewzilla vs ???

    Hey @dlm3 did you find a winner? I'm in a very similar situation to you. I used to brew a lot before kids. Time has become much more valuable. I'm looking to get back into brewing because a family member being diagnosed with celiac. I'm trying to decided between tearing down my homemade...
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    Wort Chiller & Herms Coil

    Calpyro, can go over how you attached the coil to the lid? Maybe a parts list, or pictures of both sides of the lid where the camlocks attach? Thanks!
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    Perlick 525 SS faucet leaks

    They wouldn't warranty them when they were new. They told me that they need 17+ psi, and it was leaking from user error. They said the faucet was designed for bars, and all bars served at that pressure or above. I know that's not true. Thier exscuse was pretty lame. I'm lucky, I only...
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    160* Mash!

    How did it turn out?
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    Freezer/HVAC question

    Run times are can easily get into the hours. I'm usually trying to cool between 12 to 17 gallons of beer plus stainless and/or glass Adding more liquid to the freezer isn't going to help. It's just going to create more heat the freezer has to remove. Also, the long run times are just...
  6. M conicals?

    Morebeer conicals are made in the US. I've had the chance to see stout conicals and morebeer. The morebeer ones are definitely nicer, but the stout's will get the job done too.
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    Freezer/HVAC question

    How long is too long for a freezer compressor to run? I have a upright freezer converted into a fermentation chamber. I have short cycle protection, but the freezer runs for a LONG time when pulling temps down for cold crashing. I'm thinking about installing an excessive run lockout.
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    Is an IPA suppose it look like this?

    I'm not familiar with the yeast strain Bobby's using, but if I'd ferment on the cooler side of the strain and attempt to minimize the mess. If i had a carboy that fulll and i was using the chico strain, i'd be dropping the temp to 58-59 after fermentation started, and raising it back to 70...
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    Ohio Complete Brewhemoth Conical System w/ CIP

    I can't believe this is still for sale! It must not be a big homebrewer area.
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    Conicals made the US

    Blichmann emailed me back, they are made in the US. But I think I'll rule them out, based on recent advice. That extension options they had looked pretty neat though.
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    Conicals made the US

    I wasnt aware any were screw and gasket. I'll be sure to double check that.
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    Conicals made the US

    That is a nice looking conical, with better looking valves than Spike. But in fairness the spike conical ships for $675, so i'm not sure the Americanhombrewing one would be cheaper. I'm definitely going check and see if he sells larger than 12.5 though.
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    Conicals made the US

    I emailed blichman, glacier tanks, and morebeer about the origin of their Conicals. Morebeer makes their own Conicals in California. Still waiting to hear back from the others.
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    Conicals made the US

    Thanks for all the suggestions so far. I'll be surd to let you know what I get and do a review with pictures
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    Conicals made the US

    Thanks for the tip about the polishing. I know you could do up to 11 gallons in a 12.5, but I really do believe its not optimal. The spike Conicals were my first choice, the price is awesome, they appear to be the most robust, and they would match my spike brewing kettles. But for my...
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    Conicals made the US

    It is, but if I put 5.25 to 5.5 gallons of wort in 6/6.5 gallon there isnt enough head space for higher gravity beers like ipas and stouts.
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    Conicals made the US

    I try my best not use blow off tubes; my opinion is that you're blowing off your most active and healthy yeast. Right now I do 10 gallon batches in three 6 gallon carboys.
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    Conicals made the US

    I'm thinking about buying a conical, and I would prefer it to be made in the USA. I've found two, does anyone know of any other US made conicals? Here are the two I've looked at so far. Spike Brewing conical: It looks like a nice conical, soild with thick walls and good price. But it's an...
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    Ohio Complete Brewhemoth Conical System w/ CIP

    Man i wish this was closerer. I'd be all over this deal if you were with-in driving distance. :(