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    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to Seamonkey84's post in the thread Fruit in Primary, Secondary or both with Like Like.
      You can do it either way or both for a fruit bomb effect. The point with wine for most people isn’t just about having alcohol in juice...
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to James0816's post in the thread Fruit in Primary, Secondary or both with Like Like.
      Ok, so I learned making mead (and wine) by adding fruit to the primary, ferment dry then backsweeten. my question is pretty much this...
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to brewbama's post in the thread Noob Question with Like Like.
      I only have a dozen or so batches of mead under my belt. After a lot of research (reading and YouTube), the TOSNA nutrient schedule...
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to Jthorn24's post in the thread Needing to learn with Like Like.
      Should be a from ride…Thanks
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to Kickass's post in the thread Noob Question with Like Like.
      In my experience, I have about 10 batches of mead in, TOSNA and time will ensure a good results. Don’t be afraid to rest it and keep...
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to Petdrummer's post in the thread Greetings with Like Like.
      Hi all, I've been making wine, cider, and beer for a while now. These days I have more free time for the hobby. Joined up to see what...
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck replied to the thread Needing to learn.
      Welcome from Michigan! You and I are in the same boat, you'll find a lot of great info here :)
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck replied to the thread Hello 👋.
      Welcome from Michigan!
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to Dakota Channel (DK)'s post in the thread Hello 👋 with Like Like.
      I'm DK, I brew mead. It's delicious. Thank you for having me.
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck replied to the thread Dark Souls Estus Flask Mead.
      I know this is from 4 years ago, but how did this turn out? Would be cool to have this while playing DS1 again 🫠
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to Vikingarch's post in the thread Dark Souls Estus Flask Mead with Like Like.
      Here to show off my 1 gallon Dark Souls inspired mead! Used 4lbs Dutch Gold clover honey and 2 sticks of cinnamon for primary...
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck replied to the thread Noob Question.
      Ahhh, ok. The bits and pieces I've read and the "hows and whys" are starting to tie together now. I'll definitely be on the lookout for...
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to MightyMosin's post in the thread Noob Question with Like Like.
      You are doing a traditional, so fermentation should just progress along. In the first week or two of fermentation, I try and take a...
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck reacted to Maylar's post in the thread Noob Question with Like Like.
      Welcome. There is a good deal of info out there about making mead, and for a beginner it can be confusing and a bit overwhelming. The...
    • Wigwuck
      Wigwuck replied to the thread Noob Question.
      Thanks for the response! Yes, I am using a staggered nutrient addition. The first 3 additions were 0.9g of Fermaid-O, and the last...
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