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    • Sakos
      Sakos replied to the thread ESP Brew Engine.
      Thanks. It was a temporary fault with one browser. After a while it worked again. Strange. Another question. I can see language files...
    • Sakos
      Sakos replied to the thread ESP Brew Engine.
      @Jeroen79 I run a test mash schedule successfuly. Then I wanted to start a boil one. However the schedule did not start. Neither after...
    • Sakos
      Sakos replied to the thread ESP Brew Engine.
      This was my concern as well. Esp brew engine regulates the heating power in a - by default - 60s cycles. Within each cycle the operation...
    • Sakos
      Sakos replied to the thread ESP Brew Engine.
      How does speech work? Only "none" is selectable in the voice drop down menu. How can I add a voice?
    • Sakos
      Sakos replied to the thread ESP Brew Engine.
      Managed to install the system on an ESP32. I have also managed to replace the NTC temp sensor with a 1-wire component. The threaded...
    • Sakos
      Sakos replied to the thread ESP Brew Engine.
      Thanks for the fast response. Then I need to order an ESP32 device and wait until arrives.
    • Sakos
      Sakos reacted to Jeroen79's post in the thread ESP Brew Engine with Like Like.
      I am afraid ESP8266 isn't supported, atm only ESP32 is supported, ESP8266 is quite old and doesn't support the ESP-IDF framework so i am...
    • Sakos
      Sakos replied to the thread ESP Brew Engine.
      Hi Jeroen79, I bought a Vevor DM-N30 brewing tank that has broken controller. Your great project seems to be a perfect solution to...
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