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    • M54B22
      M54B22 replied to the thread Some information about PH!.
      @MightyMosin Hi, and thank you for your input. My idea was to try making a sweet and slightly sparkling mead. Do you think it’s...
    • M54B22
      M54B22 replied to the thread Some information about PH!.
      @Maylar @MightyMosin Thank you both for your responses. I think for my first meads I won’t make any acidity adjustments. As I continue...
    • M54B22
      M54B22 replied to the thread Some information about PH!.
      Thank you for the information, so it is more likely that the pH will be too low rather than too high at the start of fermentation. Do...
    • M54B22
      Good morning everyone. I am new to the forum and I am just now about to start making mead. However, I am struggling to find a clear...
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