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    • D
      Davida replied to the thread Very High OG!!.
      Thanks for all the suggestions. I guess my terminology was wrong. I always considered first running to be right after the boil. I...
    • D
      Davida replied to the thread Very High OG!!.
      standard (for me) 5 gallon batch. Approximately 5.5 G in the 7.5 fermenter.
    • D
      Davida replied to the thread Very High OG!!.
      I did not measure the gravity prior to the boil. The first running gravity right after the boil was 1.035. After adding the DME it was...
    • D
      I did a BIAB Pale with some West coast hop IPA flavors yesterday. I am rather new to BIABing. This is my 5th batch. First off, I messed...
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