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  1. A

    Minimising headspace

    Thank you all for your comments. The idea of using inert objects like marbles never occurred to me. So simple... I'll give it a try Mylar - nice pics! I hope my first results will end up as clear as yours. Right now they are totally opaque. But I couldn't figure out the purpose of the...
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    Minimising headspace

    I've read that minimising headspace is good because it minimises oxidisation, and I assume this applies to cider, not just beer. But I have several practical questions about headspace which aren't answered in the threads I consulted. 1. I'm brewing cider in a 24 litre bin and three 4.5 litre...
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    Cider / Apfelwein brew won't start fermenting

    Good news this morning. Yesterday I sprinkled some yeast into the two passive demijohns, and started some more yeast in sugar water. Today both brews are starting to bubble. They are certainly far more energetic than any of the three previous attempts to get things going, all of which never...
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    Cider / Apfelwein brew won't start fermenting

    The SG=1.075 figure I quoted is the current reading, after adding shop-bought AJ I did that twice already, with no success. I started a third attempt last night, having changed conditions slightly (brew is warmer & has been aerated, & yeast nutrient will be added when the yeast goes in).
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    Cider / Apfelwein brew won't start fermenting

    No, just apple juice and ascorbic acid. But I added the shop-bought juice *after* having a problem getting things started Unfortunately I lost the slip of paper with that written down. From memory it was 1.080, but that was before adding the shop-bought juice, so I haven't got comparable...
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    Cider / Apfelwein brew won't start fermenting

    Hi, I have a beginner's question about why a demijohn full of pressed organic apple juice will not start fermenting. Other brews from (nearly) the same batch are doing fine. I've consulted threads on the subject, and none of the recommended remedies seems to work. As a beginner, I expected...