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  1. A

    AHS Belhaven Wee Heavy Clone

    Greetings Homebrewlings. I've been sitting on this AHS Belhaven Wee Heavy Clone kit since August of 07 which is bad in and of itself. I burnt through 4 vials of White Labs Edinburgh Scottish Ale yeast only to kill the starters each time and postpone my brew day. So finally, last Saturday, I...
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    Hefeweizen question

    Thanks again. AE
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    Hefeweizen question

    My hefe looked similarly depressed last night - very little foam, a bubble in the air lock every 5 seconds. I'll let it be for now and concentrate on the next brew. Silly question regarding Bradsul's autosiphon suggestion - can you give more detail on that procedure (after the sanitizing)...
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    AHS yeast....unknown condition.

    How about a simple syrup or table sugar for the starter? AE
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    Hey everyone... I am looking for brand-name, model suggestions for: 1) A room thermometer I am using my basement at the moment which feels like its in the upper 60s but I don't know for sure and there is no thermostat down there 2) An instant read probe thermometer that can handle...
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    Longest Pitch time?

    This is based on the one brew day I've had: For cooling I made a salt-water ice bath a la Mythbusters in a large plastic tub ($5 from Bed Bath & Beyond type stores) and had 3 gallons of wort down to room temp in about an hour and a half with one large bowl of ice and 3-4 gallons of water...
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    Hefeweizen question

    Thanks for the response Brad. My Belhaven Wee Heavy kit is on its way so I will use my plastic fermenter for that instead of clearing the carboy. AE
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    Collar on a mini-fridge - it can be done!

    Since your woodworking seems up to par - why not just build a bigger fridge and use the mini's innards? or wrap the whole thing in a wood finish? I could be done very classy... I don't have that kind of skill though. AE
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    Hefeweizen question

    My hefe has been bubbling since Sunday evening ( ~4pm I would guess) and I was planning to move it to secondary this weekend. I guess I should hold off? How do you (safely) extract enough beer to take the hydro reading and not ruin the batch with a 6.5 gal carboy? Rack it? AE
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    CLONE Beer KITS??? Whats AHS MEAN??

    I am tempted to get their Belhaven wee heavy kit, but the yeast was DoA in last kit I got from AHS (Austin, Tx -> Atglen, PA in July). Maybe I'll order it anyway but get overnight shipping... Anyone try that recipe? AE
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    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Chocolate Stout anyone?

    Anyone know of a good extract based chocolate stout recipe... I could even maybe go for a combination of chocolate and espresso stouts but my first batch of homebrew just went in the fermenter this weekend and my skillz aren't up to the all grain challenge yet. AE
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    First brew notes

    I believe it. The proprietors of the local homebrew shop had a good laugh at my expense and told me to relax as well. Chalk it up to experience I guess.
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    First brew notes

    I ended up using some dry yeast which I mixed into a started when I saw it was past its prime. Even with the starter, it took the yeast a good 6 hours to make the air lock dance. The Wyeast smack-pack was the Activator kind. I think the heat killed it since it went UPS ground from Austin to...
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    First brew notes

    Hey all. Long post, so bear with me. My first home brew attempt is now chugging away in my basement after a nerve wracking Saturday brewing. I started with a Hefeweisen ingredient kit and the lowest equipment kit from with some upgrades (6.5 gal carboy, carboy caps for...