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Brewers Hardware filter

Brewers Hardware filter

Bought a 4" wide cylinder that attached to my system with 1.5" tri clamps.
It came and was way too big for my 14 gal set up so i brought it to the lab to add to our new 1 BBL system.
Went back and bought the smaller 3" wide cylinder for my 14 gal (pictured)
Thanks Brewers Hardware. #cheers
I was thinking about buying the 4" wide model for a half bbl fermenter. Too big you think?
I was thinking about buying the 4" wide model for a half bbl fermenter. Too big you think?
they would work well with fresh hops. not gonna stop and proteins but would collect any loose grain. it is solidly built and on the heavy side so might need a support.
they would work well with fresh hops. not gonna stop and proteins but would collect any loose grain. it is solidly built and on the heavy side so might need a support.

To be clearer; these well made beauties would be great for fresh hop filtration and wayward stray grains. They won't clear wort of any proteins or cloudiness. These are a bit heavy and will add weight to lines so consider a mount or support of some sort.
Lastly and to answer your original question, unless your wort is a grain stew, the 3" version should do OK for a 1/2 BBL.

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