Drunk Brewing

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Ugh. I tend to not drink so much during actual brewing, since I do it outdoors and try to hit it during daylight hours.

Bottling, for some reason, is more dangerous, since it takes place in my kitchen, right next to all the cold ones, and often in the evening. Worst I've done so far is forget to add priming sugar, but I'm gonna try to limit myself to one sipper during the process, from now on.
What, you don't like the awesome feeling and surprise when you wake up in the morning, completely forgetting what you did the past night, to see a fresh batch of beer sitting in your fermentation chamber? It's like Christmas! ;)

Seriously though, I don't have much of a desire to drink much when brewing. Perhaps a couple. However, bottling, not that much that can go wrong so I'm open to whatever.

I bottled last night and I told my brother who was helping me but has never bottled himself "Ok...the only thing that can go wrong here is not grabbing the right bottle while trying to take a swig of beer, so keep your cold one close" :tank:
A friend and I did a brew last year and really tied one on. Being in our drunken states, the brew day lasted about seven hours, which is longer than my normal 4-4.5. After the brew was finished, the wort cooled, and during the transfer from the kettle to the fermenter, the siphon hose slipped out and six gallons of wort spilled onto my basement floor. We were busy filling our glasses at the kegerator and generally just being drunken idiots, so we were too busy to notice the sweet wort draining onto the floor until the kettle was empty.

I've since cut back on drinking during the brew day.

Wow....that's a tragic one there. I think I would have shed tears.
I bottled last night and I told my brother who was helping me but has never bottled himself "Ok...the only thing that can go wrong here is not grabbing the right bottle while trying to take a swig of beer, so keep your cold one close" :tank:

That's one of the reasons I used the dishwasher door to hold the bottles while filling them. Clean up is a snap... close the door and run the dishwasher. Done.
I brew late at night. I am a late-night type of person. I also only drink after the sun goes down. So, I am am usually drinking while brewing.

Haven't gotten too buzzed yet. *knocks on wood*
I apologized to my neighbors the next day for the loud swearing they certainly heard. They said they didn't hear anything. That was nice of them to lie about that.

Realistically, I would have reacted exactly the same haha. Probably thrown some stuff around too.
I leave the valve on my boil kettle open when draining the mash tun into it at least 10% of the time sober.... I'm pretty sure a drunk brew day wouldn't end well for me.

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