Wort blew top off fermenter after 2 days

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Mar 12, 2009
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New to brewing. Brewed one batch successfully. It came out great. Conditioned nicely. Checked my second brew(a stout) after second day of fermentation and found a mess. Top was off of fermenter and the wort was everywhere. looked like during fermentation there may have been too much CO2 build up and the bubbler filled with wort and it spilled over and then the pressure build up popped the top off the fermenter. Any ideas as to why this happened? I am assuming the beer is ruined but I replaced the bubbler and I am going to let the ferment complete because the bubbler is still moving. I'll see what I get in the end. but again, why would this have happened? Contamination, ingredients, something else?????
Nothing, its completely normal!

Hence why most of us, especially on bigger beers use blow-off tubes!

Also it might be fine, even though the lid was completely off. I wouldn't give up on it, just wipe down the lid with starsan and replace it. It probably wont need a blow off tube anymore since the storm has passed. But if you have a tube that can squeeze in to the airlock bung area it you should shove it in, then stick the other side into a bucket of water, or even better left over starsan solution.


However it worked in that picture but the tube was fairly small, I have since switched to one as large as the carboy opening at the advice of other members.
yeah, I've only come close to a blow-up once, caught it in the nick of time. No, I listen to these guys and use a blow-off tube.

Here's my set-up:
You have to paint the ceiling with killz paint to keep the stain from coming back through. :rolleyes:

Don't ask how i know.....
And you need to remember that anyone who's fermenter blows up is required to post pictures of the aftermath. :D

I've brewed 20 or so batches and this has not happened to me yet. I feel left out. Revvy says it happens to all of us at some time or another. He also claims that airlocks are made in China, but bad on him, because I have one made in Taiwan!
Always always always use a blowoff for the first 3-4 days of fermentation when:

1: You're brewing 5 gallons of beer in a 5-6 gallon fermenter
2: You're brewing a beer you've never brewed before, or under new conditions (new fermenter, different season, different ambient temperature, different yeast)
3: You're new to brewing
4: You've brewed enough batches to realize that it's just good practice to use a blow off, and you don't want to risk the mess
5: You like the color of your floor/walls/ceiling, and don't want them to be beer-colored.
Aww, I was hoping to see an explosion! :cross:

Man, it did explode, I just was able to get that trash bag over it first.. you should have seen the inside of the bag!

Its crazy to think about the pressure buildup those little yeasties can produce. You figure those fermenter lids are damn near impossible to pry off, yet the yeast can throw them across the room like a frisbee...
as soon as i read the title my eyes opened wide and i said to myself,"please let there be pics, please let there be pics"
Sorry no pictures this time. I was so suprised at the mess and I didn't even think about pictures. If this happens again(hope not) there will be pictures for sure.
you guys saved my neck. i am new to brewing and the same thing happened to me yesterday...now i have a blow off tube. Thanks guys!
Just searched "top blew off fermenter" and found this thread. Evidence below.. will definitely look into blow off tube. Check out that distance!

photo (2).jpg