i've been an awful homebrewer.

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Dec 30, 2004
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I haven't brewed anything in a month. And what's my excuse! Not enough time! how awful is that. stupid work / house work / obligations.

Wish me luck. I got sunday booked off to just homebrew. all day. nothing can interrupt. I hope.
Crappy work-related travel has me in the same boat. I think the solution is to always brew something "big". Just let it sit and do its thing while you're busy. Either that or say, "Screw work, housework, and other obligations.....I've got beer to brew." :D
Sam75 said:
"Screw work, housework, and other obligations.....I've got beer to brew." :D

In the words of the Guinness boyz "Brilliant!". I think I could use that as my signature :D
Pick a day and make it brew day. Unless I'm diving or not around because of work or vacation, Saturday is brew day. It just is. We've been out there in rainy 40 degree weather on a Saturday.
...must...brew...Saturday ;)

Good luck Sunday! :D
homebrewer_99 said:
I've got 6 batches conditioning, 2 in the secondary and 1 in the primary.... :D :D No excuses...

I've got 2 batches conditioning in kegs, one new batch on tap, and plans to brew another 2 batches Thursday and Friday of this week.
I'm finally getting caught up after I took a brief hiatus to acquire the necessary equipment to swtich over to all-grain.
I've still managed to brew at least one batch in every month of 2005 so far. How long that continues, I don't know, but hopefully I keep the streak alive for another couple of months. :D
i'm sooooo lazy!

i have fifteen gallons ready to be bottled and i cannot be bothered just now...

i've got an additional ten gallons in the secondary, and it will be ready to bottle in a week or so.

i've decided i am not brewing up a new batch untill i bottle at least half of what needs to be bottled...

i have purchased a few more 12 packs of 22oz bottles and am shying away from the 12 oz ones i have collected. the 22's make the bottling much shorter duration, it also makes the consumption go quicker, so there is, as always a trade off... ;)