Hefeweizen Bomb Squad!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2007
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Just finished brewing my FIRST hefeweizen! Woot. I just sealed her up for fermentation!

Question: I am using a plastic Ale Pail and I stuck my syphoning hose into the hole in the top of the lid with it going into a jug full of sanitizer - a blow off. Is this small diameter hose sufficient or better than my three piece airlock? Since I have heard that hefes can be volcanic, and I am using the Weihenstephan Wyeast yeast, I thought a blow off would be better so I don't get a new hole in my ceiling. Will this suffice/do a better job than my normal airlock?

I've done the same thing for a blow off and as long as nothing gets clogged, it works great. I find that the three piece airlocks tend to get clogged more easily because of the tiny little openings. That being said I've made Hefes with the same yeast and 3 piece airlock with no problems.
a tube will be better than the three piece airlock. Many folks attach the tube to the main piece of the airlock that way you can still get the good seal by using your stopper and the main piece of the airlock during blowoff. Once you're past the blowoff danger just pull the tube put some water/vodka in the container and then put in the other parts of the airlock. You're all set and never have to open the fermenter and expose the beer to possible contamination.
I cut the little pieces of plastic off of my 3 piece airlocks. I just use a hacksaw with a metal blade on it and go slow so I don't melt the plastic. They never get clogged after doing that.
I always ferment Hefes in a 6.5 gallon carboy and attach a blowoff tube that fits snugly into the carboy opening. No chance of clogging up that sucker.
ohiobrewtus said:
I always ferment Hefes in a 6.5 gallon carboy and attach a blowoff tube that fits snugly into the carboy opening. No chance of clogging up that sucker.

What size diameter is that? Should be standard for all carboys that are 6.5 right?
I use a blow off tube I have a 2 inch piece of copper tubing I put in the stopper and attach my hose to it. I have not had a problem yet