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Nov 23, 2007
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So I went out of town for about 10 days. I asked my brother to come over and feed my fish. I should have specified that he NOT touch my thermostat. I specifically set my thermostat on 71F so my recently bottled batch would get happy in the bottles. I just got home to a cold house. My bottles are like 60F right now because he turned off my heat and that is after a fairly warm day so I am sure they have been colder than that. This is not a lager BTW. So I guess I just need to warm them up and wait. They probably won't be good for my party on Saturday either. Oh well time to get another bucket and get 2 new batches going. I am thinking of doing a Samuel Smith Winter Welcome and maybe a Newcastle or an Old Foghorn barleywine. I haven't decided. I am off all week...woot.
Make your brother help you on the next batch to redeem himself. Otherwise (in best soup nazi voice) NO BEER FOR HIM!