Masstoberfest 2013

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Fecal Transplant Super Donor
May 14, 2007
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Down by the rivah, Down by the banks of the Rivah
Hi Kids,

OK, I got a go ahead from SWMBO for Saturday Septemeber 28 for this years version of Masstoberfest. If you've been before you know all about it; the agony, the ectasy, the joy, the tears, the naked midget jello wrestling. If you're amoung those poor dysenfranchised souls who haven't made it than this is your chance. Masstoberfest is a party for brewers, by brewers, and about brewers and brewing. While not actually required, you are highly encouraged to bring your rig and brew a batch that day. LIkewise, you are encouraged to bring samples of what you've already brewed to share with everyone. If the only guy you've shared your brews with is your brother in law and his idea of good beer is Natural Ice, sharing your beer with a bunch of people who actually know what good beer is supposed to taste like is a great way to get feedback.

Here's the deal...

Who is invited? You are. If you are reading this board than you are probably a Massachusetts home brewer, a friend of a homebrewer or a homebrewer wannabe.. Come on down. Bring the wife. Bring the girlfriend. Please don't bring both unless they like each other. Well behaved children are welcome, squalling brats get tossed on the bonfire. Squalling SWMBO's get tossed on the bonfire. We let in the rare outsider. Shecky, AZ IPA, Data, Kaiser, and NHWrecker all get day passes. the_bird is technically a Mass resident so we have to (reluctantly) let him come. Sorry, we voted on it last year and decided we need to let him come.

My house... PM me for address details. For obvious reasons I'm not putting my address up on the board.

Time... If you are brewing show up early, 10:00-ish. That should get you done, even assuming a 6 hour all mash day, by 4-ish. If you are just eating and drinking come later. If and when the beer runs out, the party is over. If and when the sun comes up the next day I'm kicking out the die hards and going to bed. If and when the cops come they generally pull up a chair and join us.

Food... I'll be BBQ'ing a hog and generally make a pot of baked beans and Atomic Buffalo Turds. I'll have a couple of kegs on hand. Everyone usually brings something to share. Bring whatever you like, I'm not assigning anyone anything. If you can't bring something, for what ever reason: broken stove, lack of finances, semi-communicable diseases... Don't let that keep you away. No one gets checked at the door.

Drinking... We're all adults here. You are responsible for your own intake. If you have too much to drink, be a responsible adult and hand over the keys. I've got plenty of room for tents. Nuff said.

Bonfire... In a Lord of the Flies like way, the skin, bones and head of the hawg generally get tossed on the fire as the natives dance wildly about. Either that or we sit around on lawn chairs and gaze slack jawed into the flames.

And finally... The Masstoberfest Cup. You've all heard about it, the single most covetted trophy in Massachusetts homebrewing circles, the Masstoberfest Cup. Jay Durand, aka the_bird won the inaugral year, Dave Morton, aka NH Wrecker won last year. Each years winner is responsible for safeguarding the Cup and making it a little bit better for the next years winner. The winner of the cup is chosen by a complex, archane and completely arbitrary method that no-one truely understands. Don't look with too much longing at the Cup, that could catch the judges eyes and you might end up winning.

OK, that's it. Hope to see you all then.

Is this the one where you deep fry the pig or the one where you pass around the stove pipe trophy? I can never remember.

And I may attend, if my 40% barley brandy is done in time.
Oh, hello Mr. PTN. Thank you kindly for the invite to your annual party. I'm not sure I'll be able to attend, but if I do, I can bring some balloons, and maybe some paper plates.

Take care, and have a wonderful day.
I was going to say something along the lines of:
'scare off the boobs? from what, the dead hookers? That will clear some more space under the shed'
I thought better of it.

I'll bring something tasty to eat (cake perhaps) and perhaps some beer... :)
We absolutely don't want to scare off the boobs. I'm a HUGE fan of boobs. I'm an even huger fan of huge boobs. But there are no bad boobs, just bad bras.

All boobs are welcome. (Except Rookie. He's the only kind of boob I don't like.). Anyone with nice boobs, as determined by me, gets free admission and the eternal gratitude of the rest of the attendees.
do you have room in the yard for a tent? I'll check airfares, and see what I can come up with.

Drinking... We're all adults here. You are responsible for your own intake. If you have too much to drink, be a responsible adult and hand over the keys. I've got plenty of room for tents. Nuff said.

I think it was covered
If you don't mind cats and a 4 year old we've got an extra room...


I checked- right now the ultra cheap flight is over $500- and that is with like a 6:50 AM flight home (ugggghhhhh- not going to happen!).

There is a cheaper flight ($350) from Green Bay, so that may be doable if I can find something late afternoon to avoid a motel in Green Bay as well as parking $$$.
Yooper gonna have all kinds of offers from folks for a place to stay. That's cause those offering said floportunities haven't spent a few night tossing and turning, unable to sleep because of her freight train like snoring from the downstairs bedroom.

Not that I would know anything about that... Yawn.
Yooper gonna have all kinds of offers from folks for a place to stay. That's cause those offering said floportunities haven't spent a few night tossing and turning, unable to sleep because of her freight train like snoring from the downstairs bedroom.

Not that I would know anything about that... Yawn.

You did NOT hear me snoring! That was that big fat cat next to the grandfather's clock- I swear!!!!!
"Each years winner is responsible for safeguarding the Cup and making it a little bit better for the next years winner. ."

I'll have to check in with my art department to see how the modifications are coming along. Last I heard they were having a hard time with the solar panels providing enough power to illuminate the Citgo sign that was being put on top.
you going to have any taps open in your keezer if I bring a keg of something? I don't think I'll have a cold plate and jockey box ready by then.
Oh, my gosh, you guys really made me literally "LOL"!

I was thinking about trying Priceline and bidding, but then I might find myself having to leave at like 5 AM (which we all know will not happen) but I'll keep an eye on airfares and see!
Ya cause there's a HUGE flow of rubes from West Buttfark, Michigan flying to East Buttfark, NY. That competition really keeps the cost down.

It's not the East Buttfark, NY that is the problem (or Boston, either!). It's the West Buttfark that costs so darn much! There is an airport in northern Wisconsin that is sometimes cheaper, but right now it's even higher.

Green Bay (three hours away) is only marginally better. But I'll keep looking, just because you guys are so sweet to me.
fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine... I'll chip in a total of $8.

But that's IT!!!

I start kickin in more than $8 and all of a sudden Az will have his hand out... I don't need that.
Bring Mr. Yooper and make a vacation out of it!

Well, he didn't even go away with me for our romantic weekend with paulthenurse and the_bird (and their spouses), so I have a feeling asking him to go to this would be even more unappealing for him. :D

But, I will certainly ask him. I did convince him to go to next year's NHC (he's never been to one) by bribing him. He's trying to back out of the promise already, but I'm holding him to that one!