Paintball Tank

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2005
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Round Rock Texas
I have been PMed several times lately for information on using a paintball tank to use in kegging. Yes, I have used this sucessfully for over a year.

My gallery has a photo of my setup. It has a modified fill valve for a regulator adaptor. This was not sucessful. After the second use, the fill valve gasket started leaking. This would not be a big issue for filling tanks but for us the leakage would be unacceptable. I now have an adaptor from MoreBeer and though pricey, it has no valve to leak. I will try to get a photo of the new system up later.

The best regulator adaptor for a paintball tank I have found is carried by MoreBeer. You thread out the other adaptor and screw this in with a little teflon tape. These are left hand threads and are typically very tight. Here is the link to the adaptor - MoreBeer Item: D1062

To buy a regulator, the best route is to buy single guage because you are not having to pay for the high pressure guage. It is not needed on a paintball system. I bought mine from Micromatic. Item Number 841 at $37.95 is the cheapest. I bought item 641 because I wanted the thumb screw so I wouldn't have to get a screwdriver each time I wanted to adjust the pressure. It is $43.95

MoreBeer also has regulators and in that case secondary regulator D1067A would do. You would get free shipping and the price would not be much more. I prefered Micromatic because of the thumb screw.

Again a caution about removing the tank adaptor. Mine came very tight. I very carefully used a vise and a pipe wrench to get the old adaptor out. The new adaptor is nylon and you don't have to get it too tight to seal. The factory definately overdoes tightening it on. You might call the factory and see if you can get one without that adaptor or if they will take it out for you.

Good Luck
Why not just get a regular 2.5 lb. CO2 tank and be done with it?

They are small, light weight and use standard fittings .

I started to go with the paint ball tanks but after looking into the 2.5 lb. tanks it made no sense to me to go the paintball tank route.
Why not just get a regular 2.5 lb. CO2 tank and be done with it?
Cost and space are two reasons just off the top of my head. Some may already have paintball tanks and a ready source of filling them. I now have a 15lb CO2 setup and still use my paintball tank in my fridge for space reasons. I can fit three kegs and the paintball tank is in the door.

I have noticed a better idea for an adaptor though. No need to alter the regulator with this one. See link and picts that follow. $15.00 plus shipping.

"The Adapter" CO2 regulator to Paintball tank Adapter


This is the adaptor.
I have the "Adaptor" mentioned above from . It works great and I have had no problems with it. It shipped very quickly!
You could also get an on/off valve instead of a pin valve for the tank (thats what I have) or a "remote line" should work as well.
This would way better than toteing around my 20lbs tank. KopyKat, do you fill your own tank off your 15lbs tank?