quick turn over recipies

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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Clebland, OH
i'm looking for quick recipies for the summer months. i anticipate the cellar temp will rise sllightly so's to make lagering or cold conditioning my beers impractical.

as i become even more drunken in the warm summer i'd like to compile some all grain recipies that have a shorter aging time than normal...like how bitters are meant to be drunk within a month really.

post me any of your favorite summer recipies por favor :)
I don't have any specific recipes per say, but I'd think you should just stick to a relatively low gravity brew, moderately hopped. Use a neutral yeast strain....something suited to your temps that isn't known for producing a lot of flavor of its own. From what I've read, the California/San Fran/Northwest-type yeast strains will get you there. Seems like the British strains esp. are known for their own flavor characteristics which might add to your "maturing" time.....i.e. the time to let those flavors to mellow some.

Maybe start with an APA recipe and adjust grains for gravity, and hop to taste. In speeding this type of recipe along, you probably shouldn't worry so much about clarity since you're cold conditioning times will be limited. If you are, just use a little Irish moss or something in the boil.

I doubt I'm telling you anything you don't already know, but there's my $.02 worth. I'm having an Easter closeout sale and I hate to see a post go unanswered so it'll only cost you a penny. :D

APA and English Bitters are pretty quick turnover and perfect for summer. Belgian Wit is intended to be drunk very young. We were drinking our latest within one week of brewing. Most dark beers like stout and porter can be made pretty fast, but I lose interest in them in the hot months. Cheers! :D